Health & Medical Anti Aging

Supplements Anti-Aging Checklist - Which Ingredients Keep You Full of Life?

Yes, you really can look and feel younger, if you take the right supplements anti-aging.
However, this is where most consumers fail.
Let's face it; people are lazy even when they make an effort to improve their health.
For example, when they join a gym, they do it with no plan, no goals.
They go there day after day doing the same uninspired workout...
and seeing poor results.
It's the same with dietary supplements.
You don't put much thought into choosing your supplement.
And after taking it for a few months, you still feel the same.
But you stick with it, because you don't know what makes a great anti-aging supplement great.
This wastes loads of time and money.
Well, after reading this article you'll feel more confident as a consumer.
Keep reading to learn about 4 groups of nutrients vital to professional-grade supplements anti-aging.
(1) Trace Minerals Your body absorbs these poorly, but it needs them for healthy body functions.
So what to do? Get them as organic salts or as amino acid chelates; your body easily absorbs minerals in these forms.
  • Boron
  • Chromium
  • Copper
  • Molybdenum
  • Manganese
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
The above trace minerals are all available either as organic salts or amino acid chelates.
(2) Carotenoids These are phytonutrients that provide cancer-fighting and immunity building benefits.
Besides getting them in a supplement, eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
These foods are packed with carotenoids.
  • Beta-Carotene
  • Alpha-Carotene
  • Lutein
  • Zeaxanthin
  • Lycopene
  • Cryptoxanthin
(3) Flavonoids Also phytonutrients, flavonoids have a list of good things about them: anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-microbial, and anti-allergenic.
Fruits and veggies are also packed with these vital nutrients.
  • Citrus bioflavonoids (quercetin, hesperidin, rutin, naringin)
  • Polyphenols (green tea, bilberry, blueberry, cranberry, resveratrol)
  • Chrysin
  • Myricetin
  • Isoflavones (soy extract)
(4) B-Vitamins These vitamins stop the level of homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood, from rising too high.
Too much homocyteine causes plaque buildup and clotting, which then can lead to heart disease.
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folic Acid
You shouldn't consider supplements antiaging that leave out these types of nutrients.
They won't give you the kind of results you want.
How Many Anti-Aging Supplements Should You Take? One.
Okay, that's my short answer.
But seriously, you should take a comprehensive supplement, not a cabinet full of different pill bottles.
This will be your foundation supplement, your rock.
Just remember to look for these ingredients on the label:
  1. Trace Minerals
  2. Carotenoids
  3. Flavonoids
  4. B-Vitamins
If you feel like it, do a little research on these groups on your own.
Google them.
Open up that health book you have on your bookshelf, blow the dust off it, and educate yourself.
But don't get tunnel vision and only focus on the four important nutrients discussed in this article.
There's a lot more to choosing an excellent product.
Like, for example, do you know who manufactured your supplement? Or do you know if the raw ingredients were tested for potency? All these things contribute to the overall effectiveness of a supplement.
Choose wisely - supplements anti-aging are long-term investments in your health.
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