- 1). Open your Outlook email program. Select "Help" from the menu. Then choose "Privacy Options" from the drop-down list.
- 2). Open the "Email Security" tab in "Privacy Option."
- 3). Select the check box next to "Read all standard mail in plain text." Click "Ok."
- 1). Select "View" from the toolbar. Then choose "Current View" from the drop-down menu and select "Customize Current View."
- 2). Select "Other Settings" from the "Customize View" pop-up box.
- 3). Select the check box next to "Hide header information" in the "Reading Pane" section. Click "Ok." Then click "Ok" a second time to close the "Customize View" pop-up box. Your headers are now hidden from view.
Stop HTML in Outlook
Stop Headers from Showing in Outlook