- 1). Log on to Dodge's website. Type your 5-digit zip code into the box next to "Find a Dealer." Use the drop-down menu to search for Dodge dealers within ten to100 miles of your location. The locator also provides the option to click specific dealer preferences such as car rental and shuttle service availability, five-star rating status and other dealer features.
- 2). Activate the GPS system of your automobile or cell phone, if applicable. Type or say "Dodge dealerships" using the GPS search feature. A list of Dodge dealerships within a certain mile radius will appear along with contact information.
- 3). Visit Edmunds' website and click "Local Services." Select "Car dealers" and "Dodge" utilizing the drop-down menu toolbars. Input your city and state or zip code to locate dealers in your area. Click "Search."
- 4). Call 1-800-FREE411 (1-800-373-3411). An automated voice attendant will request your location. Say "Business" for the listing type. When prompted, clearly speak your city and state. Say "Dodge dealership" for the name of the business. The attendant provides phone numbers for any Dodge dealerships near your locality. You can also receive the address by saying "Address."