The official Whale Route stretches all the way from Doringbaai, to the west of Cape Town, all the way up to Durban, in KwaZulu-Natal, a distance of some 1,200 miles.
The route takes in some of South Africa's most beautiful coastline including the famous Garden Route, the National Park at Tsitsikamma and the Transkei.
The whale watching season tends to be July to November each year.
The whales choose these waters for the purpose of calving and bringing up their young.
There are many spots along the coastline where you can watch these whales from land or if you choose you can take a boat trip and get even closer.
The licensing of these boat trips is strictly controlled to ensure the safety of the whales especially during the calving season.
The coastal waters attract many Southern Right Whales, Humpbacks, Brydes and Killer whales as well as an abundance of dolphins.
It is believed that there are some 3,000 to 4,000 Southern Right Whales in the world and the coast of South Africa is one of the best places from which to observe these marvelous creatures.
Humpback whales tend to be seen during the months of May to November as they travel north to Mozambique and Angola.
Great places to see whales: To the west of Cape Town:
The route takes in some of South Africa's most beautiful coastline including the famous Garden Route, the National Park at Tsitsikamma and the Transkei.
The whale watching season tends to be July to November each year.
The whales choose these waters for the purpose of calving and bringing up their young.
There are many spots along the coastline where you can watch these whales from land or if you choose you can take a boat trip and get even closer.
The licensing of these boat trips is strictly controlled to ensure the safety of the whales especially during the calving season.
The coastal waters attract many Southern Right Whales, Humpbacks, Brydes and Killer whales as well as an abundance of dolphins.
It is believed that there are some 3,000 to 4,000 Southern Right Whales in the world and the coast of South Africa is one of the best places from which to observe these marvelous creatures.
Humpback whales tend to be seen during the months of May to November as they travel north to Mozambique and Angola.
Great places to see whales: To the west of Cape Town:
- Lamberts Bay
- Elandsbaai
- Yzerfontein
- Saldanha Bay
- Cape Town
- False Bay - the protected waters here mean whales are often spotted playing here
- Bettys Bay
- Hermanus - they even have a Whale Crier here to inform you when whales are sighted
- Gansbaai
- Cape Agulhas
- Struisbaai
- Arniston
- De Hoop Nature and Marine Reserve
- Witsand
- Still Bay - Southern Right Whales give birth here
- Gouritzmond
- Vleesbaai
- Dana Bay
- Mossel Bay
- Hartenbos
- Great Brak River
- Ballot's Bay
- Herold's Bay
- Victoria Bay
- Wilderness
- Sedgefield
- Kynsna
- Plettenberg Bay - whales often come in close here