We have oft heard the cry from all corners of the political spectrum that "Terrorism and Violence do not pay" but I ask you to consider whether this statement is indeed true.
Let us see what history tells us.
For over 30 years in Northern Ireland, the PIRA (Provisional IRA) known locally as the "Provos," terrorised the entire population.
Bombings, shootings and killings were a daily fact of life to the people in Belfast, Derry/Londonderry and other areas: indeed virtually nowhere and no-one was safe from the brutality of these terrorists and, to a greatly lesser extent, their protestant counterparts the UVF and UDA.
The deaths of some 3000 people, 75% of the total throughout the period, were "accredited" to the Provos.
In the late 80's, the British Government made discrete soundings as to whether Sinn Fein, the political wing of PIRA, would be open to potential peace talks in order to stop these killings.
Secret discussions were held between the two sides over a long period of time.
The British Government, regardless of the party in power, were fed up with not only the continual deaths, but also the costs involved in maintaining a large military contingent in Northern Ireland, coupled with its damaged economy and damage repair bills resulting from the ever present bombs.
The strain on the Exchequer was considerable and it had to stop.
As a first move, Sinn Fein succeeded to have convicted murderers not deemed as terrorists but instead referred to as "soldiers of war.
" Such prisoners, regardless of their crime, were next classified as "political prisoners" and given special privileges whilst in prison.
As a final concession, following a number of "agreements," the same people had their "time in prison" cut by over 50% and subsequently released.
At present, any conviction for an offence carried out before the "Good Friday" agreement, results in a prison term no longer than 2 years, even if the offence was for murder or similar.
Today, convicted murders form part of the devolved government now ruling Northern Ireland, under a structure that would not be acceptable in any other country of the Western world.
Elsewhere there are other similar events that seem to follow those of PIRA and Northern Ireland.
Just look at Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq just to name a few! The terrorists in each of those countries, regardless under which name they hide, will little by little bomb and kill their way to the negotiating table.
Western Governments will give in to ludicrous demands just to have them at the table.
Once seated there, under the veiled threats of continuing violence, destruction and killings, each of the groups will gain a never ending stream of concessions from the West until they fulfil their ultimate goal.
That goal is power and nothing else.
Before very long, you will see such terrorist leaders as leaders of their indigenous governments and their past exploits will be all but forgotten.
Does terrorism pay? I will allow you to draw your own conclusions.
Let us see what history tells us.
For over 30 years in Northern Ireland, the PIRA (Provisional IRA) known locally as the "Provos," terrorised the entire population.
Bombings, shootings and killings were a daily fact of life to the people in Belfast, Derry/Londonderry and other areas: indeed virtually nowhere and no-one was safe from the brutality of these terrorists and, to a greatly lesser extent, their protestant counterparts the UVF and UDA.
The deaths of some 3000 people, 75% of the total throughout the period, were "accredited" to the Provos.
In the late 80's, the British Government made discrete soundings as to whether Sinn Fein, the political wing of PIRA, would be open to potential peace talks in order to stop these killings.
Secret discussions were held between the two sides over a long period of time.
The British Government, regardless of the party in power, were fed up with not only the continual deaths, but also the costs involved in maintaining a large military contingent in Northern Ireland, coupled with its damaged economy and damage repair bills resulting from the ever present bombs.
The strain on the Exchequer was considerable and it had to stop.
As a first move, Sinn Fein succeeded to have convicted murderers not deemed as terrorists but instead referred to as "soldiers of war.
" Such prisoners, regardless of their crime, were next classified as "political prisoners" and given special privileges whilst in prison.
As a final concession, following a number of "agreements," the same people had their "time in prison" cut by over 50% and subsequently released.
At present, any conviction for an offence carried out before the "Good Friday" agreement, results in a prison term no longer than 2 years, even if the offence was for murder or similar.
Today, convicted murders form part of the devolved government now ruling Northern Ireland, under a structure that would not be acceptable in any other country of the Western world.
Elsewhere there are other similar events that seem to follow those of PIRA and Northern Ireland.
Just look at Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq just to name a few! The terrorists in each of those countries, regardless under which name they hide, will little by little bomb and kill their way to the negotiating table.
Western Governments will give in to ludicrous demands just to have them at the table.
Once seated there, under the veiled threats of continuing violence, destruction and killings, each of the groups will gain a never ending stream of concessions from the West until they fulfil their ultimate goal.
That goal is power and nothing else.
Before very long, you will see such terrorist leaders as leaders of their indigenous governments and their past exploits will be all but forgotten.
Does terrorism pay? I will allow you to draw your own conclusions.