Your liver is in the top right part of your abdominal area. Your liver is the largest gland, and the most significant solid organ in the body, it weighs around 4 pounds in males and 3 lbs in adult women. It is the most resistant body organ and there's very little proof that the liver has got an ageing problem such that, in the absence of damage, it can function correctly for a lifetime. It's an incredibly crucial body organ, some of your livers different functions are:
it will store the energy rich sugar glycogenwhich is used by the human body as its main source of energy. When demanded, the glycogen is transformed back into glucose which is discharged into your blood stream.
helping to process fat from the food we eat
stores iron for your body.
regulates glucose levels.
removes poisonous chemicals from our bodies like caffeine.
making bile, this passes from your liver to yourgut down the bile duct. Bile is good at breaking down the fats so that they can be absorbed from the intestine.
There are over 100 types of Liver disease and collectively they impact on some two million adults in the united kingdom. (Obviously, that figure of 2000000 will probably be higher as a large number cases of disease continue to be undiscovered.)
The liver can hide any first stages of disease, and any obvious signs or symptoms can often be diagnosed as other issues, this means that most people with different levels of liver disease continue to be oblivious of their problems.
If it is diagnosed while in the first stages and the disease can be addressed, do nothingleave it any later, mild liver damage can progress into a potentially serious problem. There are as many as four degrees for the disease: inflammation of the liver, fibrosis, cirrhosis and cancer.
A liver test is a member of a group of bloodtests which enable doctors to spot any liver damage. The liver function tests also gauge the efficiency of your liver function. A number of the main blood tests may include
alanine transaminase (ALT)
aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
What is the test most often used for? The hospital can choose to do LFTs:
You consume alcohol excessively.
To find damaging impact of serious dieases like cancer on the liver.
You could be using a drug which might cause liver-related side effects
it will store the energy rich sugar glycogenwhich is used by the human body as its main source of energy. When demanded, the glycogen is transformed back into glucose which is discharged into your blood stream.
helping to process fat from the food we eat
stores iron for your body.
regulates glucose levels.
removes poisonous chemicals from our bodies like caffeine.
making bile, this passes from your liver to yourgut down the bile duct. Bile is good at breaking down the fats so that they can be absorbed from the intestine.
There are over 100 types of Liver disease and collectively they impact on some two million adults in the united kingdom. (Obviously, that figure of 2000000 will probably be higher as a large number cases of disease continue to be undiscovered.)
The liver can hide any first stages of disease, and any obvious signs or symptoms can often be diagnosed as other issues, this means that most people with different levels of liver disease continue to be oblivious of their problems.
If it is diagnosed while in the first stages and the disease can be addressed, do nothingleave it any later, mild liver damage can progress into a potentially serious problem. There are as many as four degrees for the disease: inflammation of the liver, fibrosis, cirrhosis and cancer.
A liver test is a member of a group of bloodtests which enable doctors to spot any liver damage. The liver function tests also gauge the efficiency of your liver function. A number of the main blood tests may include
alanine transaminase (ALT)
aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
What is the test most often used for? The hospital can choose to do LFTs:
You consume alcohol excessively.
To find damaging impact of serious dieases like cancer on the liver.
You could be using a drug which might cause liver-related side effects