Since I was a teenager I have had small breakouts of pimples.
As one goes away new ones come up out of nowhere wreaking havoc on my adolescent face.
Now as an adult, its not so pleasant either.
The good thing about being an adult is that you can do research to find out what exactly causes this acne and how can you prevent it in the first place.
What I've learned during my research is that acne is a disorder resulting from the action of hormones and other substances on the skin's oil glands (sebaceous glands) and hair follicles.
Acne occurs when the hair follicle pores become clogged with secreted oil and dead skin cells.
Each follicle is connected to sebaceous glands that secrete a substance called sebum which normally lubricates the hair and skin, but in the case of acne, it clogs up the pores leaving to bacterial buildup.
This is how you end up with the lovely whiteheads and other "bustables".
Makes sense right? The same hormones that turn you into a man causes unsightly blemishes set can only be described as unsightly.
In general, acne lesions usually occur on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders.
In my case it has always been around the chin area.
I remember back when I was about 14 years old looking at this huge pimple on my chin thinking "I could pop that easily".
It never was that easy.
The crushing power that I applied to my chin just caused to the problem to spread .
I knew I shouldn't be doing it but that never stopped me.
If I thought something would come out I was all over it! Now I retain the battle wounds of my teenage years on my chin.
Although acne is usually not a serious health threat, it can be a source of significant emotional distress.
Severe acne can lead to permanent scarring so don't be rough with your skin it doesn't help you out in the long run.
After years of research in the complex field of Dermatology, acne treatments are more confusing than ever.
The big-name manufacturers show their brand name down her throat through their huge marketing campaigns that you feel as though their products are the only way to take care of your skin.
This is not true at all.
By following the rules of basic hygiene, you can prevent those crazy breakouts.
You may not be able to prevent multiple from rearing their ugly little whiteheads but you can at least fight them with the right weapon.
Remember the causes of acne.
Use common sense and prevent what causes acne from taking control.
As one goes away new ones come up out of nowhere wreaking havoc on my adolescent face.
Now as an adult, its not so pleasant either.
The good thing about being an adult is that you can do research to find out what exactly causes this acne and how can you prevent it in the first place.
What I've learned during my research is that acne is a disorder resulting from the action of hormones and other substances on the skin's oil glands (sebaceous glands) and hair follicles.
Acne occurs when the hair follicle pores become clogged with secreted oil and dead skin cells.
Each follicle is connected to sebaceous glands that secrete a substance called sebum which normally lubricates the hair and skin, but in the case of acne, it clogs up the pores leaving to bacterial buildup.
This is how you end up with the lovely whiteheads and other "bustables".
Makes sense right? The same hormones that turn you into a man causes unsightly blemishes set can only be described as unsightly.
In general, acne lesions usually occur on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders.
In my case it has always been around the chin area.
I remember back when I was about 14 years old looking at this huge pimple on my chin thinking "I could pop that easily".
It never was that easy.
The crushing power that I applied to my chin just caused to the problem to spread .
I knew I shouldn't be doing it but that never stopped me.
If I thought something would come out I was all over it! Now I retain the battle wounds of my teenage years on my chin.
Although acne is usually not a serious health threat, it can be a source of significant emotional distress.
Severe acne can lead to permanent scarring so don't be rough with your skin it doesn't help you out in the long run.
After years of research in the complex field of Dermatology, acne treatments are more confusing than ever.
The big-name manufacturers show their brand name down her throat through their huge marketing campaigns that you feel as though their products are the only way to take care of your skin.
This is not true at all.
By following the rules of basic hygiene, you can prevent those crazy breakouts.
You may not be able to prevent multiple from rearing their ugly little whiteheads but you can at least fight them with the right weapon.
Remember the causes of acne.
Use common sense and prevent what causes acne from taking control.