- 1). Ask the caller for as much information as possible when you suspect a credit card related phone call is fake. For example, if the person claims to be able to slash your interest rates, ask for a valid callback number and company name and inquire about how your phone number was obtained. Pretend you are interested in the caller's offer because scammers usually hang up quickly if they suspect they are not fooling you. You may get fake information, but sometimes you get valid data that helps track down the source of the calls.
- 2). Search for the telephone number that appeared on your caller ID on online nuisance call databases like 800notes and WhoCallsMe and write down any additional information you find on those sites. Search for the callback number, too, if the caller provided one and it was different from the number on your display. Add your own information on the number, or make an initial report if it does not show up in the databases.
- 3). File a complaint about the false credit card phone call with the federal government through the National Do Not Call Registry website if your number is on the do not call list. Fraudulent callers offering services like credit card rate reductions are violating the law because you have no preexisting business relationship with them and did not give them permission to call you.
- 4). Call your bank, credit union or any other financial institution or company with which the false phone caller claimed to be affiliated and report the attempted fraud. Provide as much information as possible, based on your own conversation and online research.