Diabetes is something that we hear a lot about these days.
Unfortunately, there is an increasing number of young people being diagnoses as having diabetes.
It is a serious challenge that must not be ignored.
If you think you may have diabetes, you need to seek out a medical professional for help.
It is a lifelong disease that can cause a lot of problems, including blindness.
Just look at all the diabetes videos on the internet, and you will see many diabetics speaking out and warning others about the illness.
Sadly, an estimated one-third of diabetics do not even know that they have the condition! These individuals will often gain weight and experience difficulties brought on by the excessively high levels of glucose (sugar) in their blood, but will not even realizing what is happening to them! And it is not something that just the elderly get these days; there is also Gestational and juvenile diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes If you are pregnant, or know someone who is, be sure to watch some Gestational diabetes videos to find out more information.
Approximately 4% of pregnant women in the US end up with this type of diabetes.
It is essential that they get treated as soon as possible, or else they risk giving birth to an unusually large infant.
This is not healthy for the mother or the child.
Gestational diabetes can occur between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy.
Type I & II Diabetes Type II diabetes is the most common form, and accounts for 90% or so of all cases.
This is the type that is associated with obesity and being overweight.
It is believed by experts that family history plays a role.
Type I diabetes is associated with insulin-dependence.
If you are diagnosed as having Type I, you can watch diabetes videos for tips on administering your medication.
Dieting and Exercise In addition to taking medication under direction of your physician, you should also opt to eat healthy foods and to exercise.
There are plenty of good foods out there that are healthy for diabetics to eat.
You need a well balanced diet that includes whole grains, protein, and plenty of water.
You can watch diabetes videos on how to create a meal plan.
You can also look online for information, as there are plenty of sample meal plans for diabetics.
You also need to exercise some.
You can walk a few miles a few times weekly, take up jogging, exercise to work out videos, hike, etc.
Just make sure you do SOMETHING physically active every day or every other day.
Exercising, along with dieting and taking medicine, will help control your blood sugar levels.
This will help you lose weight and aid in dealing with your diabetes.
Conclusion While there is no cure, you can still keep diabetes under control.
You do not have to let it ruin your life.
There is help out there-you just need to go and get it.
Take a look at some diabetes videos on the web to get a better understanding of the illness and how it can be treated.
Many people are willing to share their experiences with others.
Health care professionals also present helpful advice and tips to diabetics via internet videos.
Unfortunately, there is an increasing number of young people being diagnoses as having diabetes.
It is a serious challenge that must not be ignored.
If you think you may have diabetes, you need to seek out a medical professional for help.
It is a lifelong disease that can cause a lot of problems, including blindness.
Just look at all the diabetes videos on the internet, and you will see many diabetics speaking out and warning others about the illness.
Sadly, an estimated one-third of diabetics do not even know that they have the condition! These individuals will often gain weight and experience difficulties brought on by the excessively high levels of glucose (sugar) in their blood, but will not even realizing what is happening to them! And it is not something that just the elderly get these days; there is also Gestational and juvenile diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes If you are pregnant, or know someone who is, be sure to watch some Gestational diabetes videos to find out more information.
Approximately 4% of pregnant women in the US end up with this type of diabetes.
It is essential that they get treated as soon as possible, or else they risk giving birth to an unusually large infant.
This is not healthy for the mother or the child.
Gestational diabetes can occur between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy.
Type I & II Diabetes Type II diabetes is the most common form, and accounts for 90% or so of all cases.
This is the type that is associated with obesity and being overweight.
It is believed by experts that family history plays a role.
Type I diabetes is associated with insulin-dependence.
If you are diagnosed as having Type I, you can watch diabetes videos for tips on administering your medication.
Dieting and Exercise In addition to taking medication under direction of your physician, you should also opt to eat healthy foods and to exercise.
There are plenty of good foods out there that are healthy for diabetics to eat.
You need a well balanced diet that includes whole grains, protein, and plenty of water.
You can watch diabetes videos on how to create a meal plan.
You can also look online for information, as there are plenty of sample meal plans for diabetics.
You also need to exercise some.
You can walk a few miles a few times weekly, take up jogging, exercise to work out videos, hike, etc.
Just make sure you do SOMETHING physically active every day or every other day.
Exercising, along with dieting and taking medicine, will help control your blood sugar levels.
This will help you lose weight and aid in dealing with your diabetes.
Conclusion While there is no cure, you can still keep diabetes under control.
You do not have to let it ruin your life.
There is help out there-you just need to go and get it.
Take a look at some diabetes videos on the web to get a better understanding of the illness and how it can be treated.
Many people are willing to share their experiences with others.
Health care professionals also present helpful advice and tips to diabetics via internet videos.