- 1). Choose a photographic portrait. In Photoshop, turn the image to gray scale by choosing "Adjustments" in the "Image" menu. Choose "Channel Mixer," then click the monochrome check box. Click "Image < Adjust < Brightness < Contrast." Adjust brightness to near the maximum; add contrast if desired.
- 2). Open the adjusted image in Adobe Illustrator. Add a new layer in the layer palette by clicking "Window < Layers." Place the image on the new layer by copying and pasting it there.
- 3). Double-click on "Layer Two." Check the "Template" box in the "Layer Options" window. Lock the layer by clicking the eye icon next to "Layer Two." "Layer Two" must be below "Layer One." Select "Layer One."
- 4). In Illustrator, select the type tool "T" and click where on the picture you want the text to go. Type the text you want to add to your portrait. Outline the text by selecting "Type < Create Outlines." Darken areas that require it by moving your text closer together. Select a path near other text with the "Type" tool; trace the path and left-click with your mouse. Enter the desired text. Add color to your portrait by selecting "Window < Layers," then selecting "Gradient Overlay" and choosing the colors you wish to add.