Health & Medical Hearing

Constant Ringing in Ears? Here's 10 Interesting Facts

Are you, your friend or any family members suffering from a constant ringing in ears or better yet, tinnitus?  If so, educating yourself about this issue and learning about options for treatment is probably the best bet toward finding a solution to this problem. Keeping that in mind, here are ten practical and interesting things when it comes to constant ringing in ears.

1. The source of the condition's name is the Latin word tinnire, which means to ring.

2. You will find various reasons for tinnitus or the constant ringing in ears, including acoustic trauma, medical ailments, reactions to specific drugs and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), to mention just a couple of things. For example, a man's hearing protection falling from their ears while shooting at an indoor firing range can definitely be the result of rapid onset of excruciating tinnitus and hearing loss.

3. Tinnitus is not a cause of hearing loss, but tinnitus is frequently experienced by those with hearing loss. Back to the event at the shooting range which immediately left an individual with hearing loss and tinnitus. After six months of trying to deal with the condition, the constant ringing in their own ears became unendurable, driving them to consult with an audiologist.

4. Did you know that tinnitus is classified differently?
  • Objective, often related with vascular conditions or involuntary muscle twitches
  • Subjective, most typically caused by illnesses that also cause hearing loss, like loud noises
  • Neurological, caused by conditions that affect neurological systems, including Meniere's disease
  • Somatic, due to the bodys owns sensory system

5. Objective tinnitus is actually audible to your hearing care professional along with the patient during assessment. Subjective is only heard by the individual.

6. Not all forms of tinnitus are are long-term. An audiologist or alternative tinnitus specialist can often help manage and facilitate tinnitus.

7. As stated by the Veteran's Administration, tinnitus is the most typical impairment experienced by veterans since they could spend a lot of time on flight decks in the Navy, exposed to jet engine sound, which might have contributed to the evolution of continuous ringing in ears, together with added sound exposure.

8. These signs can offer substantial relief for a lot of tinnitus sufferers.

9.Many tinnitus sufferers also encounter hyperacusis, perceiving sounds that are external that are standard as excessively loud. Now's digital hearing aids can also be effective at reducing the output to amounts that may be born by those suffering from hyperacusis.

10. Digital hearing aids are available with tinnitus treatment characteristics. Some pick hearing aids that offer therapy for tinnitus. The treatment signal reduces the perception of the aggravating ringing while adjusting between more silent and noisier listening environments. The result, the person experiences better hearing and tinnitus aid.
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