Society & Culture & Entertainment Environmental

Alaska is Leading the Way When it Comes to Sustainable Fishing

Alaska is known throughout the world for its bountiful and diverse marine resources which have supported the state's fisheries for decades.
This is due in large part to Alaska's commitment to sustainability.
Alaska's fisheries are managed under the auspices of the federal government and in cooperation with state run agencies.
Working together, these governing bodies make sure that fisheries are on the same page and operate with conservation as their top priority.
Sustainable yield is advocated and there is no separation between conservation and commercial goals.
The mere fact that federal fisheries oversight plays such a large role is a token testament to just how much the state is committed to eco-friendly fishing practices.
Every federally managed fishery adheres to a strict Fishery Management Plan which requires that a report on fish stock and an assessment of the state of each fishery be prepared annually.
Fisheries must work in tandem with scientists to consider matters of quotas and annual harvest levels.
Changes and trends within each specific ecosystem and fish population within Alaska must be carefully noted and documented.
Decades of federal fisheries oversight has meant that Alaska has become a leading model when it comes to sustainable fishing practices.
The state continues to be lauded by scientists and conservationists alike.
The regulatory system which has been put in place has ensured that Alaska's resources remain plentiful and diverse.
This is in stark contrast to other fisheries around the world.
In fact, many of the world's fisheries outside of Alaska are suffering from overexploitation and depletion.
The world's fish stocks aren't being replenished as fast as they are being used up; this has led some scientists to conclude that the world's oceans will have become unviable within fifty years.
They believe that there simply won't be enough fish to feed hungry mouths.
Alaska then, with its strict federal fisheries oversight and its keen attention to conservation is the model that the world should follow.
If it weren't for its sustainable harvesting methods, Alaska's resources would have been depleted long ago; instead, they are thriving and the world needs to take note.
Conservation needs to come to the top of the agenda.
Things need to change if our children are going to have these resources for perpetuity.
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