The primary purpose of playing blues is to pass the audience the player's own point of view about the the social events, problems, love, life and events. To be able to do so, all he has just a guitar and a story. In blues it is important to express your idea. If you do not have any idea, then what you play has no importance in terms of blues.
The role of guitar in blues music is to strengthen this story and enpower the words. The most important thing is to support the story with your guitar You can be a good blues guitarist based on the extent to which you can do this successfully. It is not about playing slow or fast; because as long as you can express your ideas with guitar, then you are a good blues guitarist.
Imitation, the ability of repeating what you say at the same time or right after saying with the guitar is an important point of blues guitar. As BB King said when asked, we must try to play things that we hear; we must play them. When learning the blues guitar, the ability to appeal to people's feelings is as important as the technical competency. Of course if your goal is to tell a story.
Another important point is the overlapping of your message with what you play and clearly showing the attitude. If you believe that the guitar you play supports what you sing, then you are on your way to play the blues guitar.
The blues guitar has several patterns; minor blues, 12 bar blues, and boogie which is based on single or two chords are the most frequently used ones. In terms of soloing, the blues music has a lot of different opportunities.
Over the years many successful musicians has brought their own interpretations to the blues guitar. The common features of these musicians is that whatever they did, they were very powerful and peculiar to them. Indeed blues takes its power from this point.
As a result, it is surprising to see how different all these blues guitarists are although they all use the same scale. This magic is hidden under the perception, interpretation and touch of the guitarist.
There are many resources on the internet on how to play to blues guitar. When you learn the blues guitar scales, chords and information on how to combine these together, do not expect to start playing the blues guitar instantly. Playing blues guitar require much more than that. The more you try and practice, the more you will catch the chance to start playing the blues guitar.
It is recommended to read about the blues and listen other musicians who perform blues guitar. Later on practice telling your stories of course after achieving certain technical skills.
The role of guitar in blues music is to strengthen this story and enpower the words. The most important thing is to support the story with your guitar You can be a good blues guitarist based on the extent to which you can do this successfully. It is not about playing slow or fast; because as long as you can express your ideas with guitar, then you are a good blues guitarist.
Imitation, the ability of repeating what you say at the same time or right after saying with the guitar is an important point of blues guitar. As BB King said when asked, we must try to play things that we hear; we must play them. When learning the blues guitar, the ability to appeal to people's feelings is as important as the technical competency. Of course if your goal is to tell a story.
Another important point is the overlapping of your message with what you play and clearly showing the attitude. If you believe that the guitar you play supports what you sing, then you are on your way to play the blues guitar.
The blues guitar has several patterns; minor blues, 12 bar blues, and boogie which is based on single or two chords are the most frequently used ones. In terms of soloing, the blues music has a lot of different opportunities.
Over the years many successful musicians has brought their own interpretations to the blues guitar. The common features of these musicians is that whatever they did, they were very powerful and peculiar to them. Indeed blues takes its power from this point.
As a result, it is surprising to see how different all these blues guitarists are although they all use the same scale. This magic is hidden under the perception, interpretation and touch of the guitarist.
There are many resources on the internet on how to play to blues guitar. When you learn the blues guitar scales, chords and information on how to combine these together, do not expect to start playing the blues guitar instantly. Playing blues guitar require much more than that. The more you try and practice, the more you will catch the chance to start playing the blues guitar.
It is recommended to read about the blues and listen other musicians who perform blues guitar. Later on practice telling your stories of course after achieving certain technical skills.