By: Dr Gerald Coy
Most people want to stay healthy or become healthier. But a lot of us make bad choices in our daily lives. We make these decisions from our desire for pleasure and how we have set our priorities. Few people are willing to make changes in their lives, but here are a few simple suggestions to make life a little better.
Doing the right thing starts in you "head", how you think of things and how you see life around you. Take into consideration:
1. Not looking for the "closest" parking space and "enjoying" a little walk through the parking lot as a chance to get a little exercise,
2. Get a "to go" box and put your sandwich or lunch before you start eating thus reducing your intake by that amount.
3. Another way is to "share" a meal with a loved one or friend. It is like getting two meals for the price of one.
4. Order "water" with your lunch. We consume too much sugar, plus sometimes the cost of a drink is almost 1/3rd bill. $2.00 "" $3.00 for a glass??? You save money that can be used for better things.
5. Eat earlier! Eating late and then going to bed shortly after is not good for your digestion and does not allow for the body to burn off calories that end up being stored. If you like to eat out, there are a lot of savings by eating during "early dinner time" where there are many specials.
6. There is so much truth about walking around the perimeter of the market to get you milk, meats, eggs, and fresh fruit and vegetables. What is in the middle are a lot of things you really do not need or want.
7. Packaged meals have more sodium, more preservatives and other things that are not the best for you to have in your diet.
8. LEARN TO COOK! Most people do not even know how to boil water. There are so many good things you can do with just a little effort. Learning to make a good salad, or steaming some vegetables with a dash of flavoring are not difficult.
9. PLAN! There is an old saying about not shopping when you are hungry with a lot of truth to it! But if you make plans for your meals, you can drop by and get that fresh vegetable or that piece of fish or chicken to make a good meal and not just have a hamburger, or pre-package meal.
10. NO! You do not have to finish everything on your plate. When you are full, STOP EATING. If you take smaller proportions you can prevent having too much food in front of you.
11. Use a salad plate for your meal, it fills faster and looks more complete.
12. Drink a glass of water before you start eating helping to fill your stomach
13. Make sure you are getting a balanced diet or take supplements to complete what your body might be craving for making you hungrier than you really are.
14. Learn to become more active with after meal walks with someone you enjoy, walk the dog, or join a gym (but make sure you use it!).
15. Get your rest. The body needs down time.
16. Reduce stress by avoiding irritations when you can.
17. Become a positive thinker, read more and do more meditation or involve yourself with your faith to find more comfort.
18. Watch less news, read fewer papers, and go to movies that make you feel good. There are enough challenges in life without listening to everyone else"s problems.
19. Make friends and enjoy them. Spend time with more positive people, but that means you need to be positive too.
20. Do not spend a lot of time in traffic, but if you do, enjoy relaxing music, not rock and roll that keys you up to where you will be more stressed.
21. Love life for what it is by enjoying the day for what it offers, not what you did not get.
All of this will bring you a happier and healthier life. Just try to add one of these things each week. Within 5 months you will be doing all of them.
Enjoy your life, it is the only one you get, and YOU are responsible for it. If you are not happy, YOU need to change, not someone else.
Most people want to stay healthy or become healthier. But a lot of us make bad choices in our daily lives. We make these decisions from our desire for pleasure and how we have set our priorities. Few people are willing to make changes in their lives, but here are a few simple suggestions to make life a little better.
Doing the right thing starts in you "head", how you think of things and how you see life around you. Take into consideration:
1. Not looking for the "closest" parking space and "enjoying" a little walk through the parking lot as a chance to get a little exercise,
2. Get a "to go" box and put your sandwich or lunch before you start eating thus reducing your intake by that amount.
3. Another way is to "share" a meal with a loved one or friend. It is like getting two meals for the price of one.
4. Order "water" with your lunch. We consume too much sugar, plus sometimes the cost of a drink is almost 1/3rd bill. $2.00 "" $3.00 for a glass??? You save money that can be used for better things.
5. Eat earlier! Eating late and then going to bed shortly after is not good for your digestion and does not allow for the body to burn off calories that end up being stored. If you like to eat out, there are a lot of savings by eating during "early dinner time" where there are many specials.
6. There is so much truth about walking around the perimeter of the market to get you milk, meats, eggs, and fresh fruit and vegetables. What is in the middle are a lot of things you really do not need or want.
7. Packaged meals have more sodium, more preservatives and other things that are not the best for you to have in your diet.
8. LEARN TO COOK! Most people do not even know how to boil water. There are so many good things you can do with just a little effort. Learning to make a good salad, or steaming some vegetables with a dash of flavoring are not difficult.
9. PLAN! There is an old saying about not shopping when you are hungry with a lot of truth to it! But if you make plans for your meals, you can drop by and get that fresh vegetable or that piece of fish or chicken to make a good meal and not just have a hamburger, or pre-package meal.
10. NO! You do not have to finish everything on your plate. When you are full, STOP EATING. If you take smaller proportions you can prevent having too much food in front of you.
11. Use a salad plate for your meal, it fills faster and looks more complete.
12. Drink a glass of water before you start eating helping to fill your stomach
13. Make sure you are getting a balanced diet or take supplements to complete what your body might be craving for making you hungrier than you really are.
14. Learn to become more active with after meal walks with someone you enjoy, walk the dog, or join a gym (but make sure you use it!).
15. Get your rest. The body needs down time.
16. Reduce stress by avoiding irritations when you can.
17. Become a positive thinker, read more and do more meditation or involve yourself with your faith to find more comfort.
18. Watch less news, read fewer papers, and go to movies that make you feel good. There are enough challenges in life without listening to everyone else"s problems.
19. Make friends and enjoy them. Spend time with more positive people, but that means you need to be positive too.
20. Do not spend a lot of time in traffic, but if you do, enjoy relaxing music, not rock and roll that keys you up to where you will be more stressed.
21. Love life for what it is by enjoying the day for what it offers, not what you did not get.
All of this will bring you a happier and healthier life. Just try to add one of these things each week. Within 5 months you will be doing all of them.
Enjoy your life, it is the only one you get, and YOU are responsible for it. If you are not happy, YOU need to change, not someone else.