Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

What Are the Advantages of Having a Primary Care Physician?

Updated April 11, 2014.

Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Board.

A primary care doctor, also referred to as PCP or family doctor, often serves as the leader of your healthcare team. While some asthma specialists function as a primary care physician for their patients, I sometimes get referrals for primary care from asthma specialists. Patients are sometimes confused as to why this was occuring and I have even had patients who thought they were being abandoned (not the case) by their beloved asthma doctor.

What Does A Primary Care Doctor Do?

The first question I get from asthma patients or parents is about whether or not they need a primary care doctor or not? It goes something like this “Why do we need to see another doctor,” or “Are you and Dr. X going to agree on our care?” In full disclosure, I am a primary care doctor in my real job, so it should not surprise you that I am going to say yes– I think just about everyone needs a PCP. I know this may not be an easy task as many patients complain that they have a difficult time finding a PCP.

Your primary care doctor organizes all of your healthcare and should function as the leader of your healthcare team. In many instances it will be your primary care doctor who identifies the need for a specialty referral and will likely make suggestions based on your needs. If, for example, you need to see an allergist and a pulmonologist, your PCP would coordinate the care between these two specialists. Your PCP can also help you understand and make decisions if you get different recommendations from your specialty consultations.

Your PCP will likely be able to treat asthma up to a point including acute and chronic management. Your PCP also provides screening and treatment for other conditions. An asthma specialist may or may not provide these services. For example, a specialist may not provide well woman care as your daughter gets older, may not provide your son services if he begins to preform poorly in school, or give you a comprehensive immunization evaluation. On the other hand, your primary care doctor may not have the PFT machine and other specialty equipment in their office that an asthma specialist does.

Research has shown that people who have relationships with PCPs over time have better health outcomes including lowers costs and lower death rates. Many people develop strong bonds over years with their primary care physicians.

What Is The Difference Between An Asthma Specialist and My Regular Doc

An asthma specialist is most likely a physician who has pursued additional training in either pulmonology (diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases) or allergy/ immunology (diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases). Both of these specialties require completion of medical school and a residency program, most likely internal medicine or pediatrics.

This training is very similar to the training your primary care physician completed. An asthma specialist then spends an additional 2–3 years focusing on their chosen specialty. In specialty training, your doctor focuses on a narrow and specific group of diseases that includes asthma.

Does My PCP Need to Be an MD?

Today there are several different options for having a PCP. Other types of providers such as a nurse practitioner and physician assistant that may be able to fill this role for you. Because these providers are often able to spend more time with patients, some patients prefer them.

Depending on their training, most states require either direct or indirect supervision and a practice agreement with a licensed physician in your state. Many times PAs and NPs are practicing within an office with several other doctors. If the PA or NP needs to they can just run a question by a colleague or have you seen by a MD if needed.

Do I Need a Specialist?

We know that asthma is a very complicated chronic disease, so quality care is of great importance to you. Without good, quality care, you are more likely to experience some undesirable outcomes like:

The following are reasons that you should consider seeing an asthma specialist:
  • Following a life threatening asthma attack, intubation, or admission to an intensive care unit for asthma.
  • Following an asthma attack requiring hospitalization.
  • For poorly controlled asthma despite following your doctor’s instructions and taking medications appropriately after 3 to 6 months of treatment.
  • If you want an evaluation for allergy shots to help control asthma triggers.
  • If you use oral steroids to treat worsening asthma symptoms
  • If your current asthma severity is moderate persistent or worse.
  • If you or your child need additional asthma education.

  1. Choosing a primary care provider. Medline. Accessed January 16, 2014.
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