Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery As a Gift - Tips

Have you ever thought to ask or offer plastic surgery as a gift? This is a new trend developing as more and more people are looking to make improvements to their appearance.
Why not give someone exactly what they want? If you are going to ask for this, or offer it to someone else, here are a few helpful tips.
Make Sure This is Okay You don't want to offer the gift of plastic surgery to a person that wasn't considering it.
That could end up awkward and hurt his or her feelings.
Before you do anything, find out if this is an option that the individual is really considering.
Many people talk about the changes that they would like to make, but don't really plan on doing anything about it.
Talk to them about what they want done and find out if they have a certain procedure and physician picked out.
If so, this will let you know that they are seriously considering some type of procedure.
If you still aren't sure, ask them if it would be okay if you gave them assistance with their plastic surgery as a gift.
While this does get rid of the element of surprise, it this instance, it is more important to verify their desire to change.
If you are still hesitant, try and bring it up in a roundabout way to see what they say.
Find Out How To Pay Some cosmetic surgery offices may offer gift certificates to give to someone in your life considering this type of change.
If this is possible, look into what types of amounts are available and when they expire.
This is probable something that can't be undone, so make sure that this is a good idea.
If you are worried about the permanent commitment of a gift card or certificate there are other options.
Obviously, you could always just give a person cash.
While this does take away some of the fun of gift giving, it is sure to make the recipient happy.
Also, gift cards that work like cash, usually purchased from the bank or online, will also make a great gift.
Much like cash, they can use it to pay for the plastic surgery or if anything falls through, they will be able to use it in other ways.
The Big Day When the day of the plastic surgery comes, you can also give your friend or family member the gift of support.
They will need someone to take them to and from the procedure, get them situated at home, fill the prescriptions and maybe even keep an eye on them for the first day or two.
This all depends on what type of work they had done and the amount of time it will take for recovery.
If you are planning on giving them money or a gift certificate, be sure to throw in a little note that let's them know you are going to be there for them until they get back into the swing of things.
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