Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Capitalism Failed - The Solution Is Reinvesting In America

The current implementation of capitalism has failed.
There is much that needs to be done.
  • Our infrastructure needs rebuilding.
    Drive around any city or country road in the United states and one would see bridges in the state you would only expect in a third world country.
    Many of our roads are in such state of disrepair that they damage our automobiles.
    With states losing tax revenues because of the unemployment and underemployment rate as well as the loss in property values, this is likely to get much worst
  • We need more teachers in the classroom.
    Teachers more than ever are needed for the change forthcoming for preparing current and future generations for the new professions and methodologies that will be needed in our economy going forward.
  • We need immediate and substantial investments in research and development in alternative energy sources.
    We need a real synthetic fuel program on the scale of the Manhattan Project.
    In addition to increasing employment it would enable the reduction of our trade deficit, budget deficit.
    and military budget (less shipping lanes and countries to defend to ensure our energy supply).
  • We need to build out our energy infrastructure for today's technology.
    The power grid needs to be expanded to places where we can take advantage of local energy sources flushed with geo-thermal energy, wind energy, and solar energy.
  • We need to make the term Made In America a national security issue.
    The systematic exporting of our jobs because it makes financial sense for the profits of corporations is the illustrative example of ho our implementation of capitalism is anti-American interest.
That we have a 10% unemployment with all the work that needs to be done in the country with the enumerated problems above, is proof positive of a failure of our brand of capitalism.
Given that the private sector is unable to match this unbalance of work to those seeking work it is imperative that some alternative system provide the catalyst to do so.
The only entity capable is the government.
  Let me be clear, the private sector current has the funds to invest and employ.
However because of their unlimited desire for profit maximization at all cost, even the cost of the well being of the average human being they fail to act.
The government of the people and by the people must.
Government must create a bank to compete with private banks and lend.
This is deficit neutral as the loan money is capital the government owns.
The government should print money to build out new energy infrastructure.
This can be deficit neutral or revenue positive if it is then sold to new privately formed corporations after build out.
The government must spend profusely to rebuild our roads.
While in the long run deficit spending may cause inflation, said inflation will be a good thing to devalue the debt owned by many who bought said debt with tax cut dollars reaping a double bang from deficit spending previous.
Mathematically this must work though the laissez-faire capitalists will hate the control they've lost to decide the allocation and use of resources they claim their god almighty, the market, dictates.
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