- 1). Reboot your PC in Safe mode. Safe Mode can be started by hitting the F8 key on your keyboard while your computer is booting. You'll reboot in Safe Mode because many programs and files may be in use when Ncase is infecting your computer.
- 2). Remove the startup entry from the registry. Do this by clicking the Start button located at the bottom-left corner of the desktop. In the "Start" menu, click "Run." Type "regedit" and click "OK." This will open the " Registry Editor."
- 3). Use the plus signs to navigate to the following registry entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Run. Right-click the file labeled "MSBB" and click "Delete. " Next, check for any randomly named entries pointing to an executable file of the same name in the Windows file.
- 4). Navigate to the following registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Uninstall. Once you have done that, right-click and delete the following folders: "nCase" and "msbb,"
- 5). Click on the plus signs that are next to the following items: "HKEY_Current_User" and "Software." Next right-click and delete the folder labeled "180solutions."
- 6). Delete the Ncase folder and the "msbb" file. Do this by opening "My Computer." Double-click "Drive C" and then "Program Files." Right-click the Ncase folder and remove it.
- 7). Look for a folder called "180Solutions" and delete it too. Next, look in the System or System32 directory under Windows to find and delete the msbb.exe file. Now that you have removed any leftover files, you will need to remove the ActiveX Control.
- 8). Open "My Computer" and double-click "Drive C" and then "Windows." Double-click "Downloaded Program Files." Once you have done this, right-click "nCaseinstaller Class." Delete this entry. You can now restart your computer in normal mode. And you are done!