Has your child asked you for a mobile yet? Chances are if they haven't the question will be coming sooner than you think.
In this tech savvy world we live in, kids these days are owning mobile phones from the age of 3, with the average being between 7-10 Why? Maybe it's because we are constantly reminded in the papers and media about the ill minded society we live in.
I remember when I was around 5 playing with tins cans that had string attached with my sister at the other end.
We would chat for ages and it didn't cost a thing.
We would leave home in the morning and play all day and didn't come home until the street lights come on and it was all ok.
Not these days.
As parents we have become more protective.
What happen to the simple world we grew up in? Conventional wisdom now suggests that a child should get a mobile when they are mature enough to handle the responsibility.
In general terms, high school seems to be when students start to display maturity, but every child from the age of 7 wants a mobile phone with most of them owning one by the time they are 13-15.
There is a good and bad side to most things.
The good is that they are able to contact us in case of an emergency and we can contact them, giving us parents peace of mind.
A mobile will also increase your child's responsibility, and they will learn time management and financial skills.
The bad side: What are they using their mobile for? And on top of that there is the safety issue.
Studies are still being carried out on increased enzyme activity with mobile phones, which could increase the probability of a tumour developing.
Scientist still don't have all the answers and just like asbestos it may take up to 30 years to provide the solid proof.
But we shouldn't take any chances.
If you do give your child a mobile, make sure that they only text and if they talk on the mobile make sure they use the speaker or earphones.
Ultimately the decision on whether or not to give our child a mobile is up to you, but it is important that what ever decide, Stand by it.
If you answer "No" you will be unpopular for a while like I was, but your child will soon get over it.
This book is a great guide for parents and covers all the issues involved in giving your child a mobile phone.
Safety, Different phones for different ages, limited phones, mobile plans, the internet and much more..
In this tech savvy world we live in, kids these days are owning mobile phones from the age of 3, with the average being between 7-10 Why? Maybe it's because we are constantly reminded in the papers and media about the ill minded society we live in.
I remember when I was around 5 playing with tins cans that had string attached with my sister at the other end.
We would chat for ages and it didn't cost a thing.
We would leave home in the morning and play all day and didn't come home until the street lights come on and it was all ok.
Not these days.
As parents we have become more protective.
What happen to the simple world we grew up in? Conventional wisdom now suggests that a child should get a mobile when they are mature enough to handle the responsibility.
In general terms, high school seems to be when students start to display maturity, but every child from the age of 7 wants a mobile phone with most of them owning one by the time they are 13-15.
There is a good and bad side to most things.
The good is that they are able to contact us in case of an emergency and we can contact them, giving us parents peace of mind.
A mobile will also increase your child's responsibility, and they will learn time management and financial skills.
The bad side: What are they using their mobile for? And on top of that there is the safety issue.
Studies are still being carried out on increased enzyme activity with mobile phones, which could increase the probability of a tumour developing.
Scientist still don't have all the answers and just like asbestos it may take up to 30 years to provide the solid proof.
But we shouldn't take any chances.
If you do give your child a mobile, make sure that they only text and if they talk on the mobile make sure they use the speaker or earphones.
Ultimately the decision on whether or not to give our child a mobile is up to you, but it is important that what ever decide, Stand by it.
If you answer "No" you will be unpopular for a while like I was, but your child will soon get over it.
This book is a great guide for parents and covers all the issues involved in giving your child a mobile phone.
Safety, Different phones for different ages, limited phones, mobile plans, the internet and much more..