Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Web Site Traffic Generators - Do They Really Work?

If you're looking for a quick & simple answer, here it is: "yes, web site traffic generators actually do work.
" However, when it comes to generating targeted site traffic, nothing is that simple.
A longer and more detailed answer would be "yes and no" because not all generators work in the same way or provide the same results.
Traffic generating software, AKA "web site traffic generators," can do a variety of different things.
Unfortunately though, none of those things includes "plug 'n play traffic.
" What that means is you can't simply start up the software and start getting targeted web traffic instantaneously.
So far, there is no such software.
On the other hand, there are in deed programs that allow the user to do minimal work while still driving traffic to a targeted web site.
The term can be a bit misleading, as not all traffic software is used directly for driving traffic.
In actuality, a lot of software is used indirectly to drive traffic to a web site.
Confused? Alright then, listen closely...
Article submissions software can be referred to as a "web site traffic generator".
Why? Because it's purpose is to submit articles, which in turn will generate targeted traffic.
The same goes for directory submission software, as it is used to submit a websites URL to web directories in order to obtain a higher PR and search engine position.
Now think about it; what does a higher PR and higher SE position mean? Duh- more web site traffic! So, as mentioned earlier, they usually drive traffic in an indirect sort of way.
Does this make them any less effective? No, not in the least bit.
Obviously, there will be a few bad eggs to every batch, but that does not mean all of this type of software is useless.
As a matter of fact, most webmasters recommend investing money in a multitude of different software programs in order to help drive traffic to your web site.
Whatever you decide to do, just remember that web site traffic generators, although extremely helpful, will not solve all your traffic driving problems.
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