Once upon a time, there were cameras with film. You actually had to load the film, make sure it set up right in the camera and attach flash cubes or strips to the top of the camera. All of that had to be done before you could even think of taking a picture!
Once you had used all the film in the camera, or used up all the flash cubes, the real fun began. Re-winding the film back into the container without exposing it to light was no easy task. Once the re-winding was completed, you simply drove the film to the developer and prayed that you got at least one good shot on that roll. Those days are long gone!
With the advent of digital cameras has come the rush of people looking to make their pictures perfect! Remove that blemish, cover my tattoo and make my nose look better before sharing my photo with all my friends online, please! So, where do you get those pictures edited?
There are plenty of free online editing sites out there, you just need to find one that you feel comfortable working with. Maybe you would enjoy using Lunapic? Simply upload your photo, make some adjustments, and then share online with everyone and their mother. Â
Other options abound on Lunapic. You can create a collage. Maybe you need a slideshow? How about some reflection animation added to that picture of you at the beach? All of this can be done with a few clicks of the mouse. You are even able to paste images over other backgrounds. You are only limited by your imagination!
Online editors such as Lunapic do give you a lot of fun things to do to your photos and nifty little tweaks you can use to make your picture stand out in the crowd. But what if you don't want the glitter and stars? What if what you really need is someone to fix that one thing that drives you nuts about your wedding photo? Someone to make your teeth a little whiter or smooth out your skin? Â
One click fixes may be nice but they are not practical for fine tuning a picture and getting it "just right".  Even when you find a site that you think can fix the picture just the way you want it, you find out that you have to pay for that option or that the quality just isn't what you expected. So, where can you edit pictures and have them turn out just the way you want them?
There is a good reason that professionals such as actors and models and even signers, pay a human professional editor good money to fix their pictures instead of relying editing programs. A human can see and "feel" things in a picture that a computer program just cannot. Instead of wasting your time and trying to make one of those free online editors do what it really can't do, consider hiring a professional photo editor. Chances are good that it is more affordable than you think it is!