Today I choose NOT to feel behind in my work.
I'm just now noticing that in much of my entrepreneurial endeavors, I've created and imposed unnecessary and stressful deadlines for myself.
Take today for example, I'm sitting at my favorite coffee shop, sipping on a soy latte to plan my day.
My habit is to plan for "moving forward"like I'm in a perpetual "what's next?" mode.
I had a strategy session yesterday with one of my assistants and on an intellectual level had all of these great ideas for NEW products and NEW programs to launch, and yet...
I just didn't feel inspired to move forward on any of them.
I couldn't understand why, until today.
I'm realizing that I don't have: 1.
Past projects up to date and complete.
My foundational pieces taken care of...
like taxes and bookkeeping.
So, in the event you're a woman entrepreneur at all like me, rather than add more to an already full plate, today I will...
Complete Past Projects By: 1.
Clearing out all voice mails in my box.
Cleaning out and/or filing all emails.
Attending to all paperwork on my desk.
Filing papers that need to be organized.
Throwing out all papers I don't need.
I Will Take Care of My Foundational Needs BY: 1.
Calling my house cleaner to come today, so my castle is an environment that supports me.
Organizing my finances and paying bills.
Backing-up my computer.
Getting out of the fear that hiring a bookkeeper will cost too much and hire one! 5.
Calling my accountant to take care of my taxes.
Scheduling my yoga classes in Cali...
otherwise I don't get there.
Even if these tasks take me through the weekend, it's worth it because they'll be done.
My head will be clear.
My physical space will be clean and organized.
Now that I think about it, why would I want to bring the energy of my new, gorgeous and exciting endeavors into the tail end of the remaining projects? Maybe this is what the Bible is talking about when it says not to pour new wine into old wineskins.
I get it now.
It's amazing how much extra time and energy "catch up" takes.
Handling and managing what comes in in one day is doable.
So I realize I have to stop the steps to forward movement, handle what is and has been, so that I can ultimately quantum leap forward.
I'm amazed at the habit that was created unconsciously, which was to add more in than was being completed and going out.
I guess it's similar to breathing in a lot but only exhaling a little and then inhaling a lot more, over and over again.
So since I've been taking so much in, today I give myself the gift of a really long exhale.
You might be saying, "Well, Gina, that sounds great, but I don't have time to sit at a coffee shop and write or take a few days to catch up and get organized...
I have to work at bringing money in NOW!" I hear you.
I've been there too.
One thing I've noticed about money not coming in, is that it isn't coming in with what you're doing anyway! Chances are you have the programming that says you have to work hard to make money.
The interesting thing about entrepreneurial endeavors is that working hard doesn't necessarily bring in money.
I've put in plenty of 12-14 hour days and had no cash deposited in my account.
I've found that we have to work effectively to make money.
It's the difference between having a job and working for yourself.
If you have a job and "work all day" you'll "make money" by being given a paycheck.
As entrepreneurs, we must be very wise about HOW we spend our days because putting in the hours won't automatically pay our rent.
If you get yourself off the treadmill of just working and let yourself: 1.
Clean up the past and 2.
Take care of yourself by taking care of your foundational pieces...
You'll see the natural flow of money being brought to you.
You'll feel divinely inspired to take the actions that will lead you to effective results so that your days, your energy, and your creativity is never wasted again.
I'm just now noticing that in much of my entrepreneurial endeavors, I've created and imposed unnecessary and stressful deadlines for myself.
Take today for example, I'm sitting at my favorite coffee shop, sipping on a soy latte to plan my day.
My habit is to plan for "moving forward"like I'm in a perpetual "what's next?" mode.
I had a strategy session yesterday with one of my assistants and on an intellectual level had all of these great ideas for NEW products and NEW programs to launch, and yet...
I just didn't feel inspired to move forward on any of them.
I couldn't understand why, until today.
I'm realizing that I don't have: 1.
Past projects up to date and complete.
My foundational pieces taken care of...
like taxes and bookkeeping.
So, in the event you're a woman entrepreneur at all like me, rather than add more to an already full plate, today I will...
Complete Past Projects By: 1.
Clearing out all voice mails in my box.
Cleaning out and/or filing all emails.
Attending to all paperwork on my desk.
Filing papers that need to be organized.
Throwing out all papers I don't need.
I Will Take Care of My Foundational Needs BY: 1.
Calling my house cleaner to come today, so my castle is an environment that supports me.
Organizing my finances and paying bills.
Backing-up my computer.
Getting out of the fear that hiring a bookkeeper will cost too much and hire one! 5.
Calling my accountant to take care of my taxes.
Scheduling my yoga classes in Cali...
otherwise I don't get there.
Even if these tasks take me through the weekend, it's worth it because they'll be done.
My head will be clear.
My physical space will be clean and organized.
Now that I think about it, why would I want to bring the energy of my new, gorgeous and exciting endeavors into the tail end of the remaining projects? Maybe this is what the Bible is talking about when it says not to pour new wine into old wineskins.
I get it now.
It's amazing how much extra time and energy "catch up" takes.
Handling and managing what comes in in one day is doable.
So I realize I have to stop the steps to forward movement, handle what is and has been, so that I can ultimately quantum leap forward.
I'm amazed at the habit that was created unconsciously, which was to add more in than was being completed and going out.
I guess it's similar to breathing in a lot but only exhaling a little and then inhaling a lot more, over and over again.
So since I've been taking so much in, today I give myself the gift of a really long exhale.
You might be saying, "Well, Gina, that sounds great, but I don't have time to sit at a coffee shop and write or take a few days to catch up and get organized...
I have to work at bringing money in NOW!" I hear you.
I've been there too.
One thing I've noticed about money not coming in, is that it isn't coming in with what you're doing anyway! Chances are you have the programming that says you have to work hard to make money.
The interesting thing about entrepreneurial endeavors is that working hard doesn't necessarily bring in money.
I've put in plenty of 12-14 hour days and had no cash deposited in my account.
I've found that we have to work effectively to make money.
It's the difference between having a job and working for yourself.
If you have a job and "work all day" you'll "make money" by being given a paycheck.
As entrepreneurs, we must be very wise about HOW we spend our days because putting in the hours won't automatically pay our rent.
If you get yourself off the treadmill of just working and let yourself: 1.
Clean up the past and 2.
Take care of yourself by taking care of your foundational pieces...
You'll see the natural flow of money being brought to you.
You'll feel divinely inspired to take the actions that will lead you to effective results so that your days, your energy, and your creativity is never wasted again.