- 1). First, let your doctor know you have trouble swallowing pills and ask whether there is a liquid version of the medication you need. If it only comes in pills, check with the pharmacist whether you can crush up the pill and take it will food. In most cases, this is fine. However, ALWAYS check first; there could be serious or fatal health risks if you crush up a pill without knowing if it's medically safe to do so.
- 2). Purchase a pill crusher. Because many people have trouble swallowing pills, most pharmacies and drug stores have pill crushers available. They easily reduce your pill to a fine powder. If you don't have a pill crusher on hand, a plate and the back of a spoon will work.
- 3). Now, some people prefer to mix up the pill powder with a lot of food to disguise the taste but this is a mistake. The pill taste will most likely be strong even if you mix it up with a lot of apple sauce, ice cream etc. and then you have to eat all that food. Read the next step for a much easier method.
- 4). Try putting the crushed pill in a liquid so that you can take the pill in one gulp and get it done with. I recommend mixing the powder into an inch or two of whole milk. The rich, creamy flavor of the milk is the best disguise for that flavor of a crushed up pill and by only having an inch or two, you can take it all in just one shot and get it done with.
- 5). Now's the best part! Once you've taken that crushed up pill in one gulp of milk, it will still leave a bad flavor of the pill in your mouth. So have a piece of candy or chocolate on hand to pop in your mouth and take away that bad flavor. Next time you have problems swallowing pills, just remember these steps and it will make your life a lot easier.