Health & Medical Anxiety

Natural Healing Herbs for Anxiety Relief

Natural healing herbs for anxiety can prevent and eliminate the pain and suffering caused by anxiety and panic attacks without the side effects commonly experienced with anxiety drugs.
Passion flower and lemon balm have been clinically proven as safe and effective herbs for anxiety.
When used in combination passion flower and lemon balm are even more effective for anxiety relief.
There is a synergy or interaction relationship between these two herbs that enhances effectiveness and the natural healing process.
Although natural healing herbs like passion flower and lemon balm are still used more prevalently in the United Kingdom and Europe, they are gaining momentum and increased popularity in the United States.
Passion Flower has been widely used as a natural healing herb for anxiety relief for centuries.
Passion flower is currently used world wide as a mild sedative or nervine for anxiety relief and sleep inducement.
A nervine is defined as having the quality of acting upon or affecting the nerves; quieting nervous excitement.
Passion Flower can be used for nervousness, anxiousness, hyperactivity and insomnia.
GABA and Serotonin are the two main inhibitory neurotransmitters in the brain.
The role of the inhibitory neurotransmitter is to promote a calming effect and slow things down preventing too much excitement.
Scientific studies suggest that the flavonoids (plant pigments) in passion flower promote a calming effect and encourage anxiety relief.
Serotonin is the feel good chemical that regulates mood swing.
Clinical studies have also suggested that passion flower is as effective for treating generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) as the anxiety drug Oxazepam.
Lemon balm is another natural healing herb often combined with other herbs, like passion flower, for maximum effectiveness for anxiety relief.
In the case of insomnia lemon balm is often combined with valerian to promote a restful sleep.
Other valuable medicinal usages for Lemon Balm include: "Heart and digestive system tonic " Antispasmodic (relieve or prevent spasms) "Eases menstrual cycle cramps "Antidepressant "Treatment for insomnia "Thyroid regulating properties for treatment of hypothyroidism Passion flower and lemon balm are generally considered safe when used responsibly and in prescribed dosages.
Medical consensus indicates that passion flower should not be used during pregnancy.
It is thought that usage of passion flower combined with anxiety drugs may cause increased sedation.
The use of herbs or anxiety drugs should never be combined with alcohol.
Before starting any herbal regiment you should first consult with your health care practitioner.
It is always advisable to check product labels when purchasing any supplements.
It makes sense to consider natural healing herbs for anxiety treatment, under the guidance of a health care practitioner, before resorting to anxiety drugs.
James A.
Duke, Ph.
, in his article, The Evidence for Lemon Balm, says that "In fact herbs kill fewer than 100 Americans a year, with most apparently not following dosage recommendations, while pharmaceuticals kill more than 100,000 who take these substances as prescribed.
" References: James A.
(Jim) Duke, Ph.
Department of Agriculture, Duke's Herbal Vineyard, Inc.
, Fulton, Maryland.
James A.
Duke, Ph.
from article The Evidence of Lemon Balm; http://tinyurl.
National Institutes of Health - http://tinyurl.
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