Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Dating Someone With Herpes Anywhere - Genital Herpes and Oral Sex

Can you get genital herpes from a sexual partner with a cold sore on their mouth? Yes indeed.
Although most cold sores on the face and mouth are caused by theHSV1 virus and genital herpes is generally cause by HSV2 virus, both these herpes viruses can occur in other places.
If you or your partner have an active cold sore on your mouth while indulging in oral sex, you can potentially give your partner genital herpes.
Although the virus may be slightly different, the outcome will still be the same.
Painful sores on the genitals that will flare up from time to time.
The herpes virus is infectious when active.
Those painful little lesions are best kept away from others until the sores are healed over with new skin.
Using the latest herpes treatments will shorten the length of time your cold sore will be on your face.
Living with herpes of any nature can be made much simpler and less painful with the latest medications.
At the very first tingle, or pain sensation, start your medication or topical cream straight away.
Often by doing this you can prevent a full blown outbreak.
At the very least you will minimize the length and severity of the outbreak.
At the slightest tingle anywhere, it is good practice to keep that part of your body away from skin contact with anyone else.
Wash your hands thoroughly after applying any creams or lotions.
There are people out there who will tell you that they always kiss their boyfriend or girlfriend when they have cold sores and the other one has never caught it.
These people have some sort of resistance and are the fortunate minority.
Genital herpes (HSV2) and cold sores on the mouth (oral herpes or HSV1) can both occur on other parts of your body.
Care should be taken when you are dating someone with oral herpes with an active outbreak on the mouth to minimize the risk of infecting the other's genitals.
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