For US Postal service postage or UPS selling labels printing you should have a Paypal account.
The size and weight of the item package should also be known.
Go to the 'sold view' and click the checkbox near the sold item to be printed.
Click on the 'print' button.
Then select the checkbox near the US Postal service postage or UPS shipping label and click continue.
Now log on to your Paypal account and then select US Postal service or UPS.
In the next opened page enter the shipping and packaging information.
Clicking on the 'print' button will print the required document.
When you want to print individual invoices, packing slips or address labels, go to the 'sold view' and click on the checkbox near the sold item for which you want to print an invoice, packing slip or address label.
Next click on the print button.
The print page will be opened, here, select the type of printout whether invoice for your own records, packing slip or address label or, in combinations, like invoice / packing slip combo etc.
There would be a pop-up window with a scroll bar for previewing the page to be printed.
After reviewing, click on the 'print' button to get the printout.
If you want changes in your next printouts you may edit on the corresponding sales record and save, then repeat the steps for printing.
The size and weight of the item package should also be known.
Go to the 'sold view' and click the checkbox near the sold item to be printed.
Click on the 'print' button.
Then select the checkbox near the US Postal service postage or UPS shipping label and click continue.
Now log on to your Paypal account and then select US Postal service or UPS.
In the next opened page enter the shipping and packaging information.
Clicking on the 'print' button will print the required document.
When you want to print individual invoices, packing slips or address labels, go to the 'sold view' and click on the checkbox near the sold item for which you want to print an invoice, packing slip or address label.
Next click on the print button.
The print page will be opened, here, select the type of printout whether invoice for your own records, packing slip or address label or, in combinations, like invoice / packing slip combo etc.
There would be a pop-up window with a scroll bar for previewing the page to be printed.
After reviewing, click on the 'print' button to get the printout.
If you want changes in your next printouts you may edit on the corresponding sales record and save, then repeat the steps for printing.