Fish oils are definitely considered good food because of their wonderful health benefits.
By this time, you have probably heard of so many good things about this and its benefits to our body, but not much about its side effects.
Are there really side effects of eating fish oil, or are people just trying to destroy its good reputation? At the end of this article, it is our aim to give you the 3 important facts that you should learn before taking this supplement.
It is true that much has been said about the amazing benefits of fish oil.
However, if you will try to search about its side effects, you would not have much information except the research study conducted by the New England Medical Center Evidence-based Practice Center called Tufts, which is based in Boston, Massachusetts.
In order to determine if there are really side effects, they have studied more than 100 different types of fish oil.
They also have varied dosages from some hundred milligrams per day until eight grams per day.
This is done in order for the study to be more effective and encompassing.
Each study is performed with a type of fish with a varied fish oil dosage that lasts to a few days, and others even took longer like more than seven years.
To give you the results obtained to determine its effects, we will give you these 3 important facts that you should know first before taking this supplements: 1.
Despite hundreds of research studies conducted, there was not much side effects discovered out of this supplement.
Basically, it is safe and effective to include fish oil in your healthy diet.
The only side effect they have found is gastrointestinal problem like diarrhea.
This was only seen in less than 7% out of the hundred studies conducted, so this does not prove to be significant at all.
If there will be fish oil side effect with huge impact, it would be good and not bad, for it helps us have a better blood circulation all over our body.
By this time, you have probably heard of so many good things about this and its benefits to our body, but not much about its side effects.
Are there really side effects of eating fish oil, or are people just trying to destroy its good reputation? At the end of this article, it is our aim to give you the 3 important facts that you should learn before taking this supplement.
It is true that much has been said about the amazing benefits of fish oil.
However, if you will try to search about its side effects, you would not have much information except the research study conducted by the New England Medical Center Evidence-based Practice Center called Tufts, which is based in Boston, Massachusetts.
In order to determine if there are really side effects, they have studied more than 100 different types of fish oil.
They also have varied dosages from some hundred milligrams per day until eight grams per day.
This is done in order for the study to be more effective and encompassing.
Each study is performed with a type of fish with a varied fish oil dosage that lasts to a few days, and others even took longer like more than seven years.
To give you the results obtained to determine its effects, we will give you these 3 important facts that you should know first before taking this supplements: 1.
Despite hundreds of research studies conducted, there was not much side effects discovered out of this supplement.
Basically, it is safe and effective to include fish oil in your healthy diet.
The only side effect they have found is gastrointestinal problem like diarrhea.
This was only seen in less than 7% out of the hundred studies conducted, so this does not prove to be significant at all.
If there will be fish oil side effect with huge impact, it would be good and not bad, for it helps us have a better blood circulation all over our body.