Health & Medical Anti Aging

Bring Aging Out of the Dark Ages With Strength Training

The aging process can be very unkind to those who don't take proper care of themselves.
Visible and noticeable signs of premature aging are loss of strength, wrinkles, mid life crises, tiredness, an increasing waistline and a losing struggle to keep off unwanted weight.
What aren't so noticeable are the signs of accelerated aging that are happening on the inside such as weakening of the very structure of our body.
Our muscles grow weak, our bones grow brittle and major organs such as the heart lose its power and strength.
To top it all off our immune system weakens which exposes us to increased risk of disease and illness.
These are all symptoms of what we call aging and experts agree that when the levels of the master hormone, human growth hormone (HGH) fall below the required level needed to maintain a strong and healthy body accelerated aging occurs.
Levels of this hormone start declining after the age of 21 and by age 40 deficiencies are common.
People all around the world are waiting for some miracle drug - like a Fountain of Youth that will keep us looking and feeling young even when the numbers say we are not so young anymore.
Well there is no miracle drug, but there is a Fountain of Youth.
It is called proper exercise.
A properly structured exercise program that contains at least 60% strength training can increase your production of the youth hormone that will keep you young.
People who exercise regularly and put some effort into it can look and feel 10 - 20 years younger than sedentary people of the same age.
This modern way of training focus's on methods that will increase the levels of these "fitness" hormones.
Not any old exercise will do this though.
Forget the walking and recreational type activities if you want to increase HGH levels.
Even moderate levels of strength training will double your production of HGH and intense training will quadruple it.
The major benefits of a strength training program include looking trimmer and more youthful as one ages; increased metabolism and weight management; reduced stress and depression; prevention of the onset of diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol.
Strength training is the only "natural" way to release HGH in quantities similar to that of people in their mid twenties.
This can have the effect of turning back the hands of time to slow, stop and even reverse the many signs of aging.
Many people have notion the that strength training exercise is only for athletes or people who want to look good at the beach.
But, what about the person who would like to pick up a heavy object or the grandparent who would like to be able to carry his or her grandchild? It is time to bring the science of aging out of the dark ages and apply a new understanding of exercise's impact on hormones and metabolism.
Age has a whole new meaning today and exercise is a big part of it.
Don't think for a moment you have to slow down and take it easy as you get older.
If you want to maintain your quality of life for the rest of your life proper exercise will put you on the road to health and happiness, regardless of your age.
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