Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Decoding a Company"s Earnings Reports

Why It Is Essential to Read the Earnings Report - What to Look For In the Report There are crucial decisions to be taken while investing in the stock market.
Of course the most important is the stock selection.
Which stock do you invest in? There are after all, so many options to choose from.
This is where your research and analysis comes in.
It is essential that you do a detailed study before you put your money in.
There are two major things that you must study, and they are, the stock itself, and the company and its financial reports.
You must find out how the stock has behaved over the last few days and months, or behaves in certain situations.
What is the percentage of price fluctuations? What is the volume traded? When did it reach its historic high? What caused it to reach those highs? You should definitely look into these things to find a pattern and understand the stock better.
Let us now take a detailed look at the second aspect.
Understanding the Company's Earning Report As a general rule, the stock should do well in the market if the business is in good shape, and if the future prospects look good.
On the other hand, if the business isn't in great health, there's no reason why the stock should look promising.
Though there are exceptions to this, but this is what happens generally.
So you must find out how the company is doing financially.
This you can do when you go through the Earnings Report.
This is really a very important document.
You need to be good at analyzing this document and unearthing the real truth, because companies would often create this in such a way that it presents a good picture of the business.
The business says what it wants the market to know.
This is done very smartly by staying within the regulations.
How to Read the Earnings Report So you should try to read the Earnings Report.
Start by going through the press release about the report - this will give you a summary of the report.
You can have a general idea about the report and the company's performance.
Once you are through with this, move on to the different parts of the report itself.
There are some investors who will just take a look at items such as revenues earned, net income for the stock holders, the EPS, earnings prior to taxation, and others like this.
Yes, it is important for you to go through this data.
But you should dig deeper to find out more.
Here's What You Should Be Looking For • What is the company's performance in the last 3 months? • How does this compare with the performance of the entire year, and the 3 months prior to this? Also compare the performance of last quarter with the same quarter of the last year.
• Has the revenue figures gone up or declined? • What about the sales cost - is it going up or down? If it is going up, then it may mean that the company is finding it more difficult to earn the revenues, and may thus lose the competitive edge in the future.
Decoding the Earnings Report will always give you a better idea about the performance.
It will help you take the correct decision.
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