During the summer, dogs and fleas seem to go hand in hand.
Unless you find a way to litter train your dog, he will need to go outside a few times a day and fleas are likely to be in your yard.
Once a flea gets on your dog, you are probably going to end up with fleas in your house.
Getting fleas out of your house can be a pain, especially if you have carpet and more than one dog.
You can spray for fleas or even use bug bombs but unless you treat your dogs, they will just keep bringing more fleas into your house.
Treating your yard is always an option but that can run you hundreds of dollars.
The best thing to do is treat your dog before he gets fleas.
Some cheaper flea treatments from major retailers may work but for maximum results, it is best to purchase a high quality product from your vet.
You can also find Pet Meds such as flea treatments online.
Buying the flea treatments online will save you a trip to the vet.
You will most likely save money this way as well since most vets markup the products they offer.
Treating your dog at the beginning of summer should keep you from having to deal with fleas.
It is important to remember to treat your dog every month for this to be effective.
If you do end up with fleas in the house, treat your dog and your house at the same time.
This is the most affective course of action and will save you from treating your home multiple times.
Unless you find a way to litter train your dog, he will need to go outside a few times a day and fleas are likely to be in your yard.
Once a flea gets on your dog, you are probably going to end up with fleas in your house.
Getting fleas out of your house can be a pain, especially if you have carpet and more than one dog.
You can spray for fleas or even use bug bombs but unless you treat your dogs, they will just keep bringing more fleas into your house.
Treating your yard is always an option but that can run you hundreds of dollars.
The best thing to do is treat your dog before he gets fleas.
Some cheaper flea treatments from major retailers may work but for maximum results, it is best to purchase a high quality product from your vet.
You can also find Pet Meds such as flea treatments online.
Buying the flea treatments online will save you a trip to the vet.
You will most likely save money this way as well since most vets markup the products they offer.
Treating your dog at the beginning of summer should keep you from having to deal with fleas.
It is important to remember to treat your dog every month for this to be effective.
If you do end up with fleas in the house, treat your dog and your house at the same time.
This is the most affective course of action and will save you from treating your home multiple times.