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How To Get Off A Speeding Fine - Avoid a Speeding Ticket

How To Get Off a Speeding Fine - Avoid a Speeding Ticket

How do you react when you see the phrase "Speeding Tickets"?

Generally, most people will be far from happy. Most will utter a profanity or simply lose it and start thrashing at the closest wall to relieve the stress and frustration.

It doesn't take much to become a victim of a speeding fine.

Some may be in a rush, needing to get somewhere fast as the result of an emergency or possibly running late for work. Some didn't even notice that they where speeding, the speed limit may be lower than it was in their neighborhood. Maybe something else had caught your attention for long enough that you lost sight of your speedometer and got busted.

Most likely though, you are the unfortunate victim of a policemans quota, meaning that your ticket had to be issued to meet his daily tally of fines in order for him to go up a rank.

Whatever was the reason for you receiving a speeding fine, did you feel happy to accept the infringement? Did you believe that you deserved another speeding ticket, and were happy to pay for it. Did you find yourself saying "well i knew i was speeding so im going to just pay this fine. More than likely no.

The truth of the matter is, unless your an avid speed demon who constantly disregards the speed limits and safety of fellow civilians, you most definitely do no deserve to be held responsible by means of an overpriced speeding ticket. Money is tight, so an outrageous fine at this time is way to obscene.

I can say I have done my fair share of speeding. That is not to say that im a wreckless driver on the road, obsessed with speeding and constantly disregarding the law. No!

Everytime I had to speed I had a legitimate reasoning for it. All of my speeding tickets have been the result of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I never would speed in a crowded street, i always would be sure of others safety. I believed that if the system was fair, than I would be given my fair chance to explain myself, and have the court agree with me on that.

With ticket after ticket I found out this wasn't the case, all they are interested in is getting it paid so they can make their money and pin another fine on another victim

Learn more at our blog Speeding Tickets - The Shocking Truth
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