- 1). Download the "Free Stock Ticker" for a simple stock ticker you can insert onto your computer. This program allows you to customize its appearance using "skins" that alter its visual style. The interface features drag-and-drop functionality so it is easy to manipulate with the mouse. You enter your favorite stock ticker symbols and the program updates their prices from an online database and displays the information in a scrolling ticker. You may also look up companies by their name. Additionally, as new versions of this software are released, the "Free Stock Ticker" automatically downloads the updates so it remains current.
- 2). Install a stock ticker from the NASDAQ. This organization oversees a large stock market index and provides tools for downloading to help any investor stay up to date on market activity. NASDAQ provides three options for inserting a stock ticker stream. The "NASDAQ Toolbar" is a standard stock ticker that scrolls stocks and prices across a bar on your screen. This is an add-on for Web browsers and displays only when the browsers are open, though it does not matter which Web page you are viewing. The toolbar always displays. For more flexibility, the "The NASDAQ Market Ticker" inserts directly on the computer's desktop and scrolls for easy viewing no matter what task you are performing. This ticker offers more information, including stock market news and full company logos for quick recognition. The "NASDAQ Stock Widget" is a related product that you can insert on your desktop or a Web page. It shows portfolio updates for any set of stocks you choose. All three NASDAQ stock ticker tools are free.
- 3). Install "TickerTape" if you want to insert a free stock ticker that also allows you to communicate with other investors. "TickerTape" is a quick download. The size of the stock ticker, its scrolling speed, and the direction of the scroll are all customizable. The ticker inserts onto your computer's desktop. A message board feature requires free registration at the company's website. Once registered, you can interact with other investors and discuss your favorite stocks. An envelope appears on the stock ticker to alert you to new messages. This can be an added benefit for those looking for an online community to accompany their stock ticker.