Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Anti Snoring Mouth Guard - The Answer To The Sleep Apnea Problem

The objective of the best snoring mouth guard is to keep the jaw in a slightly forward position during sleep.
This position is intended to prevent the tongue from falling back into the throat and helps keep the airway open.
The increased volume of air that reaches the lungs then helps reduce the vibration and therefore snoring can be greatly reduced or eliminated altogether.
While snoring is a common disorder, most people do not seem to realize how detrimental snoring can be to the health of a person.
When trying to sleep, the muscles in the back of the throat and mouth relax.
This makes the tongue and jaw fall to the back of the throat, thus cutting off the natural airway.
The force of the air that is able to pass through this channel then vibrates the tissues of the throat and makes the sound known as snoring.
Fortunately, there are ways to correct this condition without surgery or bulky machines.
Many people have found relief by using a mouth guard to prevent snoring during sleep.
These guards prevent your tongue and jaw from moving and make sure the airway remains open while you sleep.
There are many remedies, some more effective than others.
Depending on the person, it is worth trying them.
All testing must provide undisturbed sleep.
Ultimately poor sleep can affect the health of your heart.
There are mouth guards on the market that are placed into the mouth at bedtime which aim to help or cause occlusion of the jaw.
It appears that the effectiveness of these devices is 90%.
They range from devices developed by professional dentists to devices sold universally as OTC products in pharmacies.
A mouth guard can make you stop snoring.
You can buy a mouth guard in pharmacies or websites or your doctor will prescribe a mouth guard.
The mouth guard holds the teeth in the proper position and prevents the lower jaw muscles from relax too much.
The idea behind the snoring mouth guard is to reduce the sound of snoring emanating from the person who snores at night, allowing both the snorer and his partner to get a good night's sleep.
Visit your dentist regularly and explain your problems with regard to snoring and sleep disorders you may be experiencing.
Ask your dentist to prescribe a mouth piece specifically designed to help stop snoring.
Let your dentist to fit your mouth guard.
This process is usually done right in the office and takes no more than 15-20 minutes, depending on the type of mouthpiece that is recommended.
The guard will be installed on the upper teeth and will prevent the jaw from moving back when you sleep.
Insert the mouthpiece before going to bed at night.
Another reason for snoring is dryness in the environment, palate and mouth as a whole.
If the upper respiratory system is dry and irritated it gives rise to these unpleasant sounds.
It is very common that people who do not snore may display this symptom when suffering from any nasal congestion.
This can be solved by using a humidifier.
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