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Updated June 03, 2014.
Definition: Constipation refers to bowel movements that are dry, hard, sometimes painful, and occur infrequently (less than three times a week). There are many potential causes of constipation, including:
In most cases, constipation is treated by instituting some changes in diet (such as eating more fiber), drinking more liquids, or changing medication. Laxatives may be prescribed by a physician when other methods, such as diet and exercise, do not work. Constipation that is more chronic in nature or due to certain problems with the digestive tract may require more intensive treatment such as biofeedback.
Pronunciation: kon-stuh-PAY-shun
Updated June 03, 2014.
Definition: Constipation refers to bowel movements that are dry, hard, sometimes painful, and occur infrequently (less than three times a week). There are many potential causes of constipation, including:
- Dehydration
- Delaying having bowel movements
- Functional problems with the colon or rectum
- Constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-C)
- Lack of dietary fiber
- Lack of exercise
- Older age
- Pregnancy
- Some medications
In most cases, constipation is treated by instituting some changes in diet (such as eating more fiber), drinking more liquids, or changing medication. Laxatives may be prescribed by a physician when other methods, such as diet and exercise, do not work. Constipation that is more chronic in nature or due to certain problems with the digestive tract may require more intensive treatment such as biofeedback.
Pronunciation: kon-stuh-PAY-shun