Health & Medical Eating & Food

Exercises to Help End Emotional Eating

Putting an end to emotional eating is never an easy thing since it involves a process in which you must sever the psychological elements which cause you to seek comfort in food.
For many people the possibility of ever stopping emotional eating seems unrealistic but the opposite is true.
Many people find help for their emotional eating problems, increase their self esteem, and lose weight in a healthy way.
You can do the same.
Here are 3 exercises to end emotional eating: 1.
The pause - The most difficult thing an emotional eater can do is try to combat his or her cravings.
The moment the crave arrives, it is nearly impossible to avoid overeating.
The hunger is so intense.
However, you don't have to fight the crave for hours for it to pass.
Often, waiting for just a few minutes is enough for the craving to dissipate.
So, the next time you feel the crave coming on, wait it out for 5-15 minutes.
In all likelihood, it will pass.
Identify your hunger - In order to stop emotional eating you must not stop eating completely.
We all need food to function well.
In fact, trying to deprive yourself is the quickest way to a highly intensive crave.
But you need to be able to distinguish between real hunger and emotional one.
In the first you're feeding your body, in the second you're feeding your eating disorder.
Here are 3 ways to do that:
  • Determine whether your hunger was preceded by some intense emotion or whether it came of its own.
  • Cravings are usually for a specific food item while physical hunger is more general.
  • Cravings come all of a sudden while physical hunger sort of slowly builds up, so think how your hunger came to be.
If your hunger is physical, eat.
If not, exercise the pause.
Another exercise to stop emotional eating is simply to write how you feel when a crave comes on.
Writing can be relaxing so it's the perfect way to ease a crave and find out how you really feel.
Writing will also teach you a lot about the nature of your disorder so that you will be better equipped to deal with it.
Do these exercises and will have a much better control over how you eat.
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