Home & Garden Gardening

Rose Growing Tips - How To Have Healthy, Blooming Roses

Roses can be grown, by most gardeners, whether in a sunny garden or in pots.
By meeting the needs of the rose plant, a gardener can expect healthy roses, full of flower blooms.
Roses are also enjoyed by several insects, but with care, can be treated with ease.
By following these simple rose growing tips, a rose garden can be a joy for most of the year.
The key to growing healthy roses is the initial preparation.
Roses like to grow in well drained, rich loose soil, in a sunny location.
In order to prepare the ground for the roses, organic matter like compost, or cow manure, should be added to increase the soils fertility.
When it is time to plant the rose, soak the bare roots for about an hour.
Dig a hole that will allow the roots to fit.
Form a mound in the center of the hole, and drape the roots over the side of the mound.
When the hole is half filled, water the roots and allow the water to drain.
Continue filling the hole until the soil is an inch under the woody knot of the stem.
Water the rose again.
Roses are plants that use lots of nutrients as they grow.
To provide the nutrition, a gardener needs to fertilize the rose regularly.
In order to develop the stem and leaf growth at the beginning of growing season, fertilize with a high nitrogen fertilizer.
When the first flower buds appear, change to a high phosphorus fertilizer, to maximize the flower growth.
To minimize the competition from other plants, place a thick layer of organic mulch on the rose bed.
This mulch will help to control any weeds.
In addition, the mulch will break down, adding additional soil improving nutrients.
Pruning is an essential component of rose care.
Trim the bush regularly, to leave several main stems, and tidy the appearance of the plant.
By pruning the rose bush, more air is allowed to circulate around the plant, which reduces plant diseases.
Several insects are attracted by the rose plant.
Some will harm, and others are beneficial to the plant.
The Aphid is an insect which sucks the sap from the plant, causing damage.
Aphids are eaten by several insects, and can also be treated by spraying the rose plant with soapy water, or an insecticide.
A garden of roses is a delight to look at, and also to smell.
Caring for roses is reasonably easy, and can be achieved by following these rose growing tips.
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