- 1). Fold a piece of card stock paper in half and crease along the edge.
- 2). Draw the picture of your bug onto another piece of card stock and cut out the outline. Make it small enough to fit inside the folded piece of paper. Use a printed photograph or graphic as an alternative.
- 3). Turn the folded cardstock paper so the crease faces you and draw two parallel lines approximately 1 inch apart, starting at the crease. Make the lines equal height, extending approximately a third of the height of the folded paper.
- 4). Use scissors to cut slits along the lines. Fold the section of cut paper up, creasing along the fold, before returning it to the unfolded position
- 5). Open the card so it looks like a tent. Push the strip of cut paper through, so it inverts to the other side of the card.
- 6). Close the card with the cut piece inside and press firmly. When you open the card, the cut section will pop up.
- 7). Use craft glue to attach your bug cutout to the edge of the pop-up section. Allow the glue to dry before closing. Add any decorations to the card's interior, such as a background for the bug.