Whether you are a guy or a girl, acne is a very common skin disease experienced by all.
You cannot run away from the fact that this form of skin disease exist as 99% of the world have to go through this natural process.
Due to the hormones in our body especially when it is not balanced well or an excess production is made, acne growth is encouraged most of the times.
Normal acne production especially the mild ones are still normal and can be treated easily.
However, acne scars is a different story to most.
Acne scars compared to mild acne provide us with this kind of information:-
How acne scar exists? Acne exists when a high production of oil is produced due to imbalance hormonal production during the times of puberty or stress.
Acne scars are the second level of mild acne where one would do anything to eliminate it by a pinch or a squeeze.
Usually we call this as an impatient method that most would do since they really own hatred towards acne.
This method does not eliminate acne but makes matters worse by creating a permanent mark on the face.
However, there is still a cure for acne scar and that is either by surgery or cream.
My main focus would be on the cream.
The pros: The pros are about the same with the mild acne cream.
However, it might be a slower process compared to the surgery method.
One benefit of the acne cream usage would be the cost.
It is way cheaper than the surgery method as it takes time to heal.
Another pro would be the existence of green tea which helps to soothe acne and is gentle towards skin expelling the overly production of oil.
The cons: The cons can considered as one of the rare issues experienced.
Depending on the skin condition and how a person might be physically, side effects might occur.
The most common one is signs of rashes, itchiness and mild dryness.
You cannot run away from the fact that this form of skin disease exist as 99% of the world have to go through this natural process.
Due to the hormones in our body especially when it is not balanced well or an excess production is made, acne growth is encouraged most of the times.
Normal acne production especially the mild ones are still normal and can be treated easily.
However, acne scars is a different story to most.
Acne scars compared to mild acne provide us with this kind of information:-
- How acne scar exists?
- The pros
- The cons
How acne scar exists? Acne exists when a high production of oil is produced due to imbalance hormonal production during the times of puberty or stress.
Acne scars are the second level of mild acne where one would do anything to eliminate it by a pinch or a squeeze.
Usually we call this as an impatient method that most would do since they really own hatred towards acne.
This method does not eliminate acne but makes matters worse by creating a permanent mark on the face.
However, there is still a cure for acne scar and that is either by surgery or cream.
My main focus would be on the cream.
The pros: The pros are about the same with the mild acne cream.
However, it might be a slower process compared to the surgery method.
One benefit of the acne cream usage would be the cost.
It is way cheaper than the surgery method as it takes time to heal.
Another pro would be the existence of green tea which helps to soothe acne and is gentle towards skin expelling the overly production of oil.
The cons: The cons can considered as one of the rare issues experienced.
Depending on the skin condition and how a person might be physically, side effects might occur.
The most common one is signs of rashes, itchiness and mild dryness.