Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

How to Choose a Best Stockbroker

Are you looking for a stock broker who knows the right investment strategy that would work for you? Are you searching for a stockbroker whose advice you can always count on? Is security your greatest concern? Above all, what criteria would you use to pick the very best from a swarm of licensed Stockbrokers you can find around you? Stockbrokers conduct security trading at a stock exchange.
However, all conscious investors demand much more from a brokerage firm or broker more than the service of helping them obtain shares through a stock exchange.
First, search for a stockbroker you can trust.
Trust is very important when it comes to opening an account with a stockbroker.
The stockbroker that would be best for you should be someone many people recommend.
Feel free to ask your banker, lawyer, or financial advisor for recommendations.
In the U.
, it is important to opt for only Brokerage firms who are members of the Security Investors Protection Corporation.
A registered stockbroker in the States must be a member of the National Association of Security Dealers (NASD) and The Security Investor Protective Council (SIPC).
To put short, good brokerage firm is also a member of any national stock exchange depending on country of operation.
There are two types of stockbrokers, the discount brokerage firm and the full service firm.
Both order stocks, from a stock exchange where they have seats, on behalf of an investor who has an account with them.
Only a stockbroker registered with the New York Stock Exchange can place an order through that body .
Based on your investment strategy-steady income stream, tax savings, quick profits-a good stockbroker should be able to tailor an account that will meet your needs.
A good stock broker at this time of economic downturn is one who discusses with clients on investments and provides market service analysis.
Also, check to see with the state securities just to make sure you pick a broker with a good record.
Someone who has never been discipline by any government regulatory agency should be on your top choice list.
At this point, you must have a handful of brokerage firms.
To separate the wheat from the chaff, throw a question to five stockbrokers and seek their views on a particular stock.
You should be able to count on your judgment as to who to pick seeing the stock market today.
Experience count in life.
Ask for brochure from the stockbrokers and look for copies of the firm's recommendation over the past four years.
A brokerage firm brochure should also contain a copy of the brokerage firm's commission rates.
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