Unique Fundraiser: Try Selling Shirts
Everybody needs to wear clothes. Teenagers express themselves through the clothes that they wear. They often go out to shop for new clothes if they have some extra cash on hand. If you want to try having a unique fundraiser campaign, a shirt fundraiser would be one of the best things that you can try.
When you set up a shirt fundraiser, you’re going to have unique fundraiser that will definitely stand out from the rest of the groups, schools, organizations, and sports teams in your community who are also doing campaigns on their own. Competition is really tough in the fundraising industry so the last thing that you want to do is to try the same things that others are doing. For instance, if you have noticed that there are already 5 schools doing cookie dough fundraisers as of the moment, then it would be a bad idea for you to jump into the same type of gig if you want to raise funds effectively. Being different and unique is a really good thing when you’re doing fundraisers because these will allow you to easily attract the attention of people.
Okay, let’s proceed to setting up your shirt fundraising campaign. The first thing you need to focus on setting goals. You need to know the exact amount of money that you need for your cause. In this way, you can have a good idea of the number of sales that you need to generate within the timeline of your campaign. You need to match your fundraising goal with the timeline of your campaign. For instance, if you need to raise $5,000 then you need to figure out how much time you need to cover this kind of amount through sales. After you get a good estimate, you then need to use that as your timeline. After you set your goals, the next thing you need to do is to look for a supplier. You’re going to sell t-shirts so you need to have someone who’s going to supply you these.
Choose t-shirts that are made from high quality material so that you won’t give out an impression to people that you’re selling cheap products. People look take a good look at products before they finally decide to buy them. After this, you need to look for a good printing shop in your community. You need to have someone who’s going to print the designs for you. Now, this leads us to the actual look of the t-shirts. You can try both selling pre-designed t-shirts and you can also allow your customers to submit their own designs and have them printed. Take a good look at the quality of the prints that the shop that you’re going to team up with makes. Work on how you’re going to split up the profit. Try making a good bargain so that you can get some good profits later on.
Lastly, promote your fundraising program at least 2 weeks before you launch it. Craft out creative banners and posters that will easily catch the attention of people.
Everybody needs to wear clothes. Teenagers express themselves through the clothes that they wear. They often go out to shop for new clothes if they have some extra cash on hand. If you want to try having a unique fundraiser campaign, a shirt fundraiser would be one of the best things that you can try.
When you set up a shirt fundraiser, you’re going to have unique fundraiser that will definitely stand out from the rest of the groups, schools, organizations, and sports teams in your community who are also doing campaigns on their own. Competition is really tough in the fundraising industry so the last thing that you want to do is to try the same things that others are doing. For instance, if you have noticed that there are already 5 schools doing cookie dough fundraisers as of the moment, then it would be a bad idea for you to jump into the same type of gig if you want to raise funds effectively. Being different and unique is a really good thing when you’re doing fundraisers because these will allow you to easily attract the attention of people.
Okay, let’s proceed to setting up your shirt fundraising campaign. The first thing you need to focus on setting goals. You need to know the exact amount of money that you need for your cause. In this way, you can have a good idea of the number of sales that you need to generate within the timeline of your campaign. You need to match your fundraising goal with the timeline of your campaign. For instance, if you need to raise $5,000 then you need to figure out how much time you need to cover this kind of amount through sales. After you get a good estimate, you then need to use that as your timeline. After you set your goals, the next thing you need to do is to look for a supplier. You’re going to sell t-shirts so you need to have someone who’s going to supply you these.
Choose t-shirts that are made from high quality material so that you won’t give out an impression to people that you’re selling cheap products. People look take a good look at products before they finally decide to buy them. After this, you need to look for a good printing shop in your community. You need to have someone who’s going to print the designs for you. Now, this leads us to the actual look of the t-shirts. You can try both selling pre-designed t-shirts and you can also allow your customers to submit their own designs and have them printed. Take a good look at the quality of the prints that the shop that you’re going to team up with makes. Work on how you’re going to split up the profit. Try making a good bargain so that you can get some good profits later on.
Lastly, promote your fundraising program at least 2 weeks before you launch it. Craft out creative banners and posters that will easily catch the attention of people.