Now, that we know what Delphi is and where are its roots, it's time to take a trip into the past...
Why the name "Delphi"?
As explained in the Delphi Museum article, project codenamed Delphi hatched in mid 1993. Why Delphi? It was simple: "If you want to talk to [the] Oracle, go to Delphi". When it came time to pick a retail product name, after an article in Windows Tech Journal about a product that will change the life of programmers, the proposed (final) name was AppBuilder.
Since Novell released its Visual AppBuilder, the guys at Borland needed to pick another name; it became a bit of a comedy: the harder people tried to dismiss "Delphi" for the product name, the more it gained support. Once touted as the "VB killer" Delphi has remained a cornerstone product for Borland.
Note: some of the links below marked with an asterix (*), using the Internet Archive WayBackMachine, will take you several years in the past, showing how Delphi site looked long-ago.
The rest of the links will point you to a more in-depth look at what each (new) technology is about, with tutorials and articles.
Delphi 1 (1995)
Delphi, Borland's powerful Windows programming development tool first appeared in 1995. Delphi 1 extended the Borland Pascal language by providing object-orientated and form-based approach, extremely fast native code compiler, visual two-way tools and great database support, close integration with Windows and the component technology.
Here's the Visual Component Library First Draft
Delphi 1* slogan:
Delphi and Delphi Client/Server are the only development tools that provide the Rapid Application Development (RAD) benefits of visual component-based design, the power of an optimizing native code compiler and a scalable client/server solution.
Here?s what were the "7 Top Reasons to Buy Borland Delphi 1.0 Client/Server*"
Delphi 2 (1996)
Delphi 2* is the only Rapid Application Development tool that combines the performance of the world's fastest optimizing 32-bit native-code compiler, the productivity of visual component-based design, and the flexibility of scalable database architecture in a robust object-oriented environment.
Delphi 2, beside being developed for the Win32 platform (full Windows 95 support and integration), brought improved database grid, OLE automation and variant data type support, the long string data type and Visual Form Inheritance. Delphi 2: "the Ease of VB with the Power of C++"
Delphi 3 (1997)
The most comprehensive set of visual, high-performance, client and server development tools for creating distributed enterprise and Web-enabled applications.
Delphi 3* introduced new features and enhancements in the following areas: the code insight technology, DLL debugging, component templates, the DecisionCube and TeeChart components, the WebBroker technology, ActiveForms, component packages, and integration with COM through interfaces.
Delphi 4 (1998)
Delphi 4* is a comprehensive set of professional and client/server development tools for building high productivity solutions for distributed computing. Delphi provides Java interoperability, high performance database drivers, CORBA development, and Microsoft BackOffice support. You've never had a more productive way to customize, manage, visualize and update data. With Delphi, you deliver robust applications to production, on time and on budget.
Delphi 4 introduced docking, anchoring and constraining components. New features included the AppBrowser, dynamic arrays, method overloading, Windows 98 support, improved OLE and COM support as well as extended database support.
Delphi 5 (1999)
High-productivity development for the Internet
Delphi 5* introduced many new features and enhancements. Some, among many others, are: various desktop layouts, the concept of frames, parallel development, translation capabilities, enhanced integrated debugger, new Internet capabilities (XML), more database power (ADO support), etc.
Then, in 2000, Delphi 6 was the first tool to fully supports new and emerging Web Services ...
Why the name "Delphi"?
As explained in the Delphi Museum article, project codenamed Delphi hatched in mid 1993. Why Delphi? It was simple: "If you want to talk to [the] Oracle, go to Delphi". When it came time to pick a retail product name, after an article in Windows Tech Journal about a product that will change the life of programmers, the proposed (final) name was AppBuilder.
Since Novell released its Visual AppBuilder, the guys at Borland needed to pick another name; it became a bit of a comedy: the harder people tried to dismiss "Delphi" for the product name, the more it gained support. Once touted as the "VB killer" Delphi has remained a cornerstone product for Borland.
Note: some of the links below marked with an asterix (*), using the Internet Archive WayBackMachine, will take you several years in the past, showing how Delphi site looked long-ago.
The rest of the links will point you to a more in-depth look at what each (new) technology is about, with tutorials and articles.
Delphi 1 (1995)
Delphi, Borland's powerful Windows programming development tool first appeared in 1995. Delphi 1 extended the Borland Pascal language by providing object-orientated and form-based approach, extremely fast native code compiler, visual two-way tools and great database support, close integration with Windows and the component technology.
Here's the Visual Component Library First Draft
Delphi 1* slogan:
Delphi and Delphi Client/Server are the only development tools that provide the Rapid Application Development (RAD) benefits of visual component-based design, the power of an optimizing native code compiler and a scalable client/server solution.
Here?s what were the "7 Top Reasons to Buy Borland Delphi 1.0 Client/Server*"
Delphi 2 (1996)
Delphi 2* is the only Rapid Application Development tool that combines the performance of the world's fastest optimizing 32-bit native-code compiler, the productivity of visual component-based design, and the flexibility of scalable database architecture in a robust object-oriented environment.
Delphi 2, beside being developed for the Win32 platform (full Windows 95 support and integration), brought improved database grid, OLE automation and variant data type support, the long string data type and Visual Form Inheritance. Delphi 2: "the Ease of VB with the Power of C++"
Delphi 3 (1997)
The most comprehensive set of visual, high-performance, client and server development tools for creating distributed enterprise and Web-enabled applications.
Delphi 3* introduced new features and enhancements in the following areas: the code insight technology, DLL debugging, component templates, the DecisionCube and TeeChart components, the WebBroker technology, ActiveForms, component packages, and integration with COM through interfaces.
Delphi 4 (1998)
Delphi 4* is a comprehensive set of professional and client/server development tools for building high productivity solutions for distributed computing. Delphi provides Java interoperability, high performance database drivers, CORBA development, and Microsoft BackOffice support. You've never had a more productive way to customize, manage, visualize and update data. With Delphi, you deliver robust applications to production, on time and on budget.
Delphi 4 introduced docking, anchoring and constraining components. New features included the AppBrowser, dynamic arrays, method overloading, Windows 98 support, improved OLE and COM support as well as extended database support.
Delphi 5 (1999)
High-productivity development for the Internet
Delphi 5* introduced many new features and enhancements. Some, among many others, are: various desktop layouts, the concept of frames, parallel development, translation capabilities, enhanced integrated debugger, new Internet capabilities (XML), more database power (ADO support), etc.
Then, in 2000, Delphi 6 was the first tool to fully supports new and emerging Web Services ...