Canada Immigration For 3215 Medical Radiation Technologists makes it easier for technical specialists specializing in operation of radiographic and radiation therapy apparatus to dispense remedies and generate images of anatomical parts of human body for diagnosing and treating injuries and ailments. These people are much sought after hospitals, cancer specialist facilities, clinics, radiological labs, academic establishments imparting study training programs in this field. In this professional code individuals working at supervisory level have been listed.
Medical Radiation Technologists 3215 work as
X-ray (radiology) technicians
Clinical instructors, radiation therapy
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologists
Mammography technicians
Nuclear medicine clinical instructors
Nuclear medicine technologists
Radiation oncology technologists
Radiation therapists
Radiation therapy technologists (RTT)
Radiography technologists
Radiological technologists
Radiotherapy technicians
Supervisors, nuclear medicine technologists
Medical Radiation specialists
Run X-ray, radiographic and fluoroscopic devices, computerized tomography scanning apparatus, mammography equipment and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning device to generate radiographs or anatomical pictures of human body for diagnostic purpose of radiologists for ailments and injuries
Register and process data inputs about patients
Conduct primary examination and quality adherence examination of radiographic and film processing apparatus
Ensure suitable care, support and observation of patients undergoing radiographic tests
Elaborate process, position patient and apparatus and imply radiation protection norms
Impart training and oversee trainee radiographers and other radiological professionals
Nuclear medicine scientists
Make preparation for radiopharmaceutical dispensions that include radionuclides and other tracer materials to patients or to biological specimen
Run radiation detection apparatus like gamma cameras, scanners, scintillation counters, tomodensitometers and ionization chambers, to obtain diagnostic details for use of nuclear medicine practitioners for verifying ailments
Perform diagnostic procedures using radioactive materials on biological specimens, such as blood, urine and stool
Register and evaluate outcomes of diagnostic routines
Examine apparatus to keep the apparatus in running condition
Furnish suitable care and observation of patients undergoing diagnostic routines
Implement radiation protection precautions
Impart training to and monitor trainee nuclear medicine specialists
Radiation therapy specialists obtaining Canada Immigration For 3215
Run linear accelerators, cobalt 60, X-ray and other radiation therapy apparatus to dispense radiation intervention as directed by radiation oncologists
Examine radiation to keep therapy devices in running condition
Help radiation oncologists and clinical physicists in planning radiation dispension procedures Help in preparing sealed radioactive substances such as cobalt, radium, cesium and isotopes and the fabrication of apparatus such as plaster casts and acrylic moulds to assist with dispension of radiation interventions
Give suitable care and support and observe patients physical and psychological condition while undergoing entire course of treatment
Elaborate procedures and side effects of radiation
Impart training and oversee radiotherapy technologist trainees or monitor work of other radiotherapy technologists.
Radiological Technologists 3215 earn specializations in diverse areas like
Computerized tomography
Magnetic resonance imaging
Interventional radiology
Stereotaxy or brachytherapy.
To qualify for Radiation Technologists 3215 you must have
2 to 3 year of study accomplishment in college, hospital or other recognized study course in diagnostic radiography or magnetic resonance imaging (for radiological technologists and magnetic resonance technologists), nuclear medicine technology (for nuclear medicine technologists) or radiation therapy (for radiation therapists), or
A baccalaureate in health sciences in radiography, nuclear medicine or radiation therapy along with a minimum stipulated tenure of practical training
Practice endorsement from regulatory authority is obligatory in all states
Contact Abhinav the best Canadian visa consultants for details and assistance in ECA and application process For Canada Immigration For Radiation Technologists 3215.
Medical Radiation Technologists 3215 work as
X-ray (radiology) technicians
Clinical instructors, radiation therapy
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologists
Mammography technicians
Nuclear medicine clinical instructors
Nuclear medicine technologists
Radiation oncology technologists
Radiation therapists
Radiation therapy technologists (RTT)
Radiography technologists
Radiological technologists
Radiotherapy technicians
Supervisors, nuclear medicine technologists
Medical Radiation specialists
Run X-ray, radiographic and fluoroscopic devices, computerized tomography scanning apparatus, mammography equipment and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning device to generate radiographs or anatomical pictures of human body for diagnostic purpose of radiologists for ailments and injuries
Register and process data inputs about patients
Conduct primary examination and quality adherence examination of radiographic and film processing apparatus
Ensure suitable care, support and observation of patients undergoing radiographic tests
Elaborate process, position patient and apparatus and imply radiation protection norms
Impart training and oversee trainee radiographers and other radiological professionals
Nuclear medicine scientists
Make preparation for radiopharmaceutical dispensions that include radionuclides and other tracer materials to patients or to biological specimen
Run radiation detection apparatus like gamma cameras, scanners, scintillation counters, tomodensitometers and ionization chambers, to obtain diagnostic details for use of nuclear medicine practitioners for verifying ailments
Perform diagnostic procedures using radioactive materials on biological specimens, such as blood, urine and stool
Register and evaluate outcomes of diagnostic routines
Examine apparatus to keep the apparatus in running condition
Furnish suitable care and observation of patients undergoing diagnostic routines
Implement radiation protection precautions
Impart training to and monitor trainee nuclear medicine specialists
Radiation therapy specialists obtaining Canada Immigration For 3215
Run linear accelerators, cobalt 60, X-ray and other radiation therapy apparatus to dispense radiation intervention as directed by radiation oncologists
Examine radiation to keep therapy devices in running condition
Help radiation oncologists and clinical physicists in planning radiation dispension procedures Help in preparing sealed radioactive substances such as cobalt, radium, cesium and isotopes and the fabrication of apparatus such as plaster casts and acrylic moulds to assist with dispension of radiation interventions
Give suitable care and support and observe patients physical and psychological condition while undergoing entire course of treatment
Elaborate procedures and side effects of radiation
Impart training and oversee radiotherapy technologist trainees or monitor work of other radiotherapy technologists.
Radiological Technologists 3215 earn specializations in diverse areas like
Computerized tomography
Magnetic resonance imaging
Interventional radiology
Stereotaxy or brachytherapy.
To qualify for Radiation Technologists 3215 you must have
2 to 3 year of study accomplishment in college, hospital or other recognized study course in diagnostic radiography or magnetic resonance imaging (for radiological technologists and magnetic resonance technologists), nuclear medicine technology (for nuclear medicine technologists) or radiation therapy (for radiation therapists), or
A baccalaureate in health sciences in radiography, nuclear medicine or radiation therapy along with a minimum stipulated tenure of practical training
Practice endorsement from regulatory authority is obligatory in all states
Contact Abhinav the best Canadian visa consultants for details and assistance in ECA and application process For Canada Immigration For Radiation Technologists 3215.