When you are starting a hypnotists business or any small business, sometimes it is difficult to get those first few clients to come to you, because they do not know that you are there.
Recently, I was in this very situation and I went to other hypnotists and local contacts that I know to get some ideas.
The following is a comprehensive list of all of the ideas I have come up with.
Most of these ideas are free or very low cost.
Here is the comprehensive list: 1.
Join Yelp, White Pages, Angie's List, and other free listings.
Go online and set up free accounts with the various directories.
Sometimes you can add pictures and details about your business.
Join Business Network Groups (small town) - join a business networking group in your town.
Some are free, other small ones charge a very low fee.
These groups give each other referrals and act as referral partners for everyone in the group.
Look for a niche.
Once you have found an area that you can specialize in, that you do well in, and that you really enjoy, begin to put the word out to friends and family and get a niche built up for yourself.
You will get more and more referrals and will do very well for your business.
Create a "fake" full calendar.
Only schedule people two weeks out from now so that you appear very busy.
Having all those pretend clients in your calendar will give the impression that you are very busy and will attract more clients.
Build relationships by set up meetings with people and getting referral partners.
If you go to a Chamber of Commerce meeting and you get into a conversation with someone about your business, offer to help him or her out by giving referrals or doing anything else that will help them.
Ask to meet with them and become referral partners.
Wrap your car or get vinyl lettering on your car windows.
This is a low-cost way of advertising.
I know that a simple vinyl design can be as low as $125 in some cases.
7, Offer a 50% or 75% discount for the first few months in order to attract more clients.
Give free sessions for all friends, family, and colleagues.
This may be seems like you are doing a lot of work for nothing, but it gets you some experience, you get to have people in the door, and they make great referrals.
Put up fliers in coffee shops (Star Bucks have notice boards), gyms, health food stores, hair and nail salons, and all notice boards.
There are public notice boards in many places and you do not have to get permission to put up a poster of your new business there.
Ask at local library/clubs/organizations or churches if you can give a free workshops on hypnosis (stress reduction is a good topic or try "beating the blues").
Provide a free hand-out with your business card attached.
Also, create an email list where you give away a free session in a drawing.
Then add all the email addresses to your contact list for future deals and promotions.
Free conference calls.
I haven't figured out how to use them yet, but I'm sure you can get some trainings going or find some groups wanting to talk about hypnosis.
Get a Google Business account (with Gmail).
This is a very important step to getting your online business on the map.
Fill out all of the information about your business then wait a few days for your verification card in the mail.
Once your business is verified then you can do a Google AdWords campaign.
This is can be fairly inexpensive, but it will add up over time if you are not careful.
Want it.
If you really want your business to succeed and you will stop at nothing, it will eventually happen for you.
Do not give up.
Intention it.
Write about it.
Draw it.
Post pictures of it in your bedroom.
Give details about the type of clients and number of clients you'd like each month.
Use the "Law of Attraction" to attract more clients.
Give fliers to all local retail business managers.
Ask to speak to the owner or manager.
If he or she is not available, do not leave the flier.
In large stores, ask to leave fliers for personnel to read in the lunch room.
Put a weekly advertisement in your local newspaper or online paper.
There is some cost involved in this, but it can be minimal depending on the number of words you include in your ad.
Ask clients for testimonials.
Give them a 5 X 7 note-card and ask them to write about their experience.
Take their picture to put with it, if they will allow you to.
Add all of the note-cards and photos to a album of testimonials.
Get permission to use them online also.
Advertise on Craigslist.
It's free.
Set up an email Autoresponder on GetResponse.
com Ask for help from a marketing consultant like Mark Michael at Step 3 Marketing.
You can get a free trial and more months free if you sign up with him, or myself (check out my Facebook page for how).
Set up a free YouTube channel.
Write a paragraph about your business and add a new video each week about your business or about hypnosis.
Set up free Twitter and Facebook accounts and learn to Tweet and Share.
Go to Doctor's Offices and Wellness Centers with cards and brochures about your business.
Do a Groupon.
It's free to sign up and many people see it and use it.
It's a great way to get clients interested in you and then you can sell more sessions at a higher cost.
Groupon gets 50% of your sale on each purchase.
OK, I hope this list has been helpful in bringing in lots of new clients for you.
It is working for me, and I know it is not exhaustive, but it is definitely a great start.
Be sure and write to me about how it worked for you.
Recently, I was in this very situation and I went to other hypnotists and local contacts that I know to get some ideas.
The following is a comprehensive list of all of the ideas I have come up with.
Most of these ideas are free or very low cost.
Here is the comprehensive list: 1.
Join Yelp, White Pages, Angie's List, and other free listings.
Go online and set up free accounts with the various directories.
Sometimes you can add pictures and details about your business.
Join Business Network Groups (small town) - join a business networking group in your town.
Some are free, other small ones charge a very low fee.
These groups give each other referrals and act as referral partners for everyone in the group.
Look for a niche.
Once you have found an area that you can specialize in, that you do well in, and that you really enjoy, begin to put the word out to friends and family and get a niche built up for yourself.
You will get more and more referrals and will do very well for your business.
Create a "fake" full calendar.
Only schedule people two weeks out from now so that you appear very busy.
Having all those pretend clients in your calendar will give the impression that you are very busy and will attract more clients.
Build relationships by set up meetings with people and getting referral partners.
If you go to a Chamber of Commerce meeting and you get into a conversation with someone about your business, offer to help him or her out by giving referrals or doing anything else that will help them.
Ask to meet with them and become referral partners.
Wrap your car or get vinyl lettering on your car windows.
This is a low-cost way of advertising.
I know that a simple vinyl design can be as low as $125 in some cases.
7, Offer a 50% or 75% discount for the first few months in order to attract more clients.
Give free sessions for all friends, family, and colleagues.
This may be seems like you are doing a lot of work for nothing, but it gets you some experience, you get to have people in the door, and they make great referrals.
Put up fliers in coffee shops (Star Bucks have notice boards), gyms, health food stores, hair and nail salons, and all notice boards.
There are public notice boards in many places and you do not have to get permission to put up a poster of your new business there.
Ask at local library/clubs/organizations or churches if you can give a free workshops on hypnosis (stress reduction is a good topic or try "beating the blues").
Provide a free hand-out with your business card attached.
Also, create an email list where you give away a free session in a drawing.
Then add all the email addresses to your contact list for future deals and promotions.
Free conference calls.
I haven't figured out how to use them yet, but I'm sure you can get some trainings going or find some groups wanting to talk about hypnosis.
Get a Google Business account (with Gmail).
This is a very important step to getting your online business on the map.
Fill out all of the information about your business then wait a few days for your verification card in the mail.
Once your business is verified then you can do a Google AdWords campaign.
This is can be fairly inexpensive, but it will add up over time if you are not careful.
Want it.
If you really want your business to succeed and you will stop at nothing, it will eventually happen for you.
Do not give up.
Intention it.
Write about it.
Draw it.
Post pictures of it in your bedroom.
Give details about the type of clients and number of clients you'd like each month.
Use the "Law of Attraction" to attract more clients.
Give fliers to all local retail business managers.
Ask to speak to the owner or manager.
If he or she is not available, do not leave the flier.
In large stores, ask to leave fliers for personnel to read in the lunch room.
Put a weekly advertisement in your local newspaper or online paper.
There is some cost involved in this, but it can be minimal depending on the number of words you include in your ad.
Ask clients for testimonials.
Give them a 5 X 7 note-card and ask them to write about their experience.
Take their picture to put with it, if they will allow you to.
Add all of the note-cards and photos to a album of testimonials.
Get permission to use them online also.
Advertise on Craigslist.
It's free.
Set up an email Autoresponder on GetResponse.
com Ask for help from a marketing consultant like Mark Michael at Step 3 Marketing.
You can get a free trial and more months free if you sign up with him, or myself (check out my Facebook page for how).
Set up a free YouTube channel.
Write a paragraph about your business and add a new video each week about your business or about hypnosis.
Set up free Twitter and Facebook accounts and learn to Tweet and Share.
Go to Doctor's Offices and Wellness Centers with cards and brochures about your business.
Do a Groupon.
It's free to sign up and many people see it and use it.
It's a great way to get clients interested in you and then you can sell more sessions at a higher cost.
Groupon gets 50% of your sale on each purchase.
OK, I hope this list has been helpful in bringing in lots of new clients for you.
It is working for me, and I know it is not exhaustive, but it is definitely a great start.
Be sure and write to me about how it worked for you.