For a lot of folks, public speaking appears to come naturally to them.
They stroll around on stage, making intelligent comments, and getting a few laughs to boot.
They make it look so easy.
But, believe it or not, they were once terrified at the thought of public speaking just like you.
Conquer Your Fear Mastering the art of public speaking can only benefit you in your career and life.
After all, once you've mastered the fear of public speaking - a fear rumored to be greater than death - what else is there? Here are some tips for improving your public speaking skills...
oJoin Toastmasters International ~ This is a good, safe place to start your public speaking training.
Toastmasters is made up of members who were all terrified of public speaking at one point.
They can teach you to overcome your fears and help build your confidence when speaking in front of a group of people.
oDon't let your audience know you're scared ~ Although it feels as though everyone sitting in the audience can see your hands shake, and the sweat pouring from your brow, unless you choose to tell them, they don't know that you're having a panic attack.
So, don't apologize - just go with the flow.
oTalk about what you know ~ It's easier to talk about a topic that you know a lot about.
If necessary, do your homework and research your topic extensively so you know it inside and out.
oPrepare and practice ~ Practice your speech in front of your family and friends until you feel comfortable.
Practice your expressions and gestures in front of a mirror.
Put it all together, and practice some more.
oAcquaint yourself with members of your audience ~ Chatting with your audience members as they filter into the conference room, will help to put you at ease.
Smile and greet your audience warmly and shake their hands.
Then, when you're on stage, imagine yourself chatting with a group of old friends.
oRelax ~ Even experienced speakers are nervous just before a speech.
Prior to going on stage, take a moment to relax, breathe deeply, and gather your thoughts.
Channel your nervous energy into your talk to create a compelling speech.
oFocus on your speech ~ This is an old actor's trick.
Don't think about how scared and nervous you are before walking out on the stage.
Focus strictly on the message you're trying to convey and how you plan on conveying it.
They stroll around on stage, making intelligent comments, and getting a few laughs to boot.
They make it look so easy.
But, believe it or not, they were once terrified at the thought of public speaking just like you.
Conquer Your Fear Mastering the art of public speaking can only benefit you in your career and life.
After all, once you've mastered the fear of public speaking - a fear rumored to be greater than death - what else is there? Here are some tips for improving your public speaking skills...
oJoin Toastmasters International ~ This is a good, safe place to start your public speaking training.
Toastmasters is made up of members who were all terrified of public speaking at one point.
They can teach you to overcome your fears and help build your confidence when speaking in front of a group of people.
oDon't let your audience know you're scared ~ Although it feels as though everyone sitting in the audience can see your hands shake, and the sweat pouring from your brow, unless you choose to tell them, they don't know that you're having a panic attack.
So, don't apologize - just go with the flow.
oTalk about what you know ~ It's easier to talk about a topic that you know a lot about.
If necessary, do your homework and research your topic extensively so you know it inside and out.
oPrepare and practice ~ Practice your speech in front of your family and friends until you feel comfortable.
Practice your expressions and gestures in front of a mirror.
Put it all together, and practice some more.
oAcquaint yourself with members of your audience ~ Chatting with your audience members as they filter into the conference room, will help to put you at ease.
Smile and greet your audience warmly and shake their hands.
Then, when you're on stage, imagine yourself chatting with a group of old friends.
oRelax ~ Even experienced speakers are nervous just before a speech.
Prior to going on stage, take a moment to relax, breathe deeply, and gather your thoughts.
Channel your nervous energy into your talk to create a compelling speech.
oFocus on your speech ~ This is an old actor's trick.
Don't think about how scared and nervous you are before walking out on the stage.
Focus strictly on the message you're trying to convey and how you plan on conveying it.