If you would like to update the look of your home's outdoor appearance, you might want to consider adding a few garden urns to your outdoor space. Outdoor planters and urns are available in a huge variety of styles, sizes and colors, which can be used in a number of ways. Along with the traditional planter styles available, there are also short as well as tall pedestal urns to choose from. It is just a matter of finding the perfect planter that suits your own decor style and outdoor space followed by filling it appropriately to achieve the look you are striving for.
A garden urn is commonly made of a sand composite compound or a poly resin mixture which is then finished with a sand cast. A planter finished with a sand cast creates the illusion that it is made of solid stone. A sand cast poly resin planter is less expensive than one made of solid stone and weighs less. Although an urn made of a poly resin weighs less than one made of solid stone or concrete, it's weight can still be as much as 250 to 300 pounds. Due to the heavy weight, an urn is extremely hard to move, so finding the perfect location to place your urn is always a good idea.
One option is to place a planter on either side of your front porch or at the entrance way to your deck. Whether you have a set of small stairs or a level entrance way off of the lawn, when placing a planter on either side of the entrance way, you help to define your outdoor space. A pedestal style garden urn, full of colorful flowers or green foliage, creates a gorgeous focal point and inviting mood as guests approach the entrance to your home or your backyard and deck area.
Many outdoor planters have a traditional or classic look to them which can dress up any outdoor setting. If you use your patio or deck for entertaining, such as dinner parties, then adding a few garden urns to your space would definitely be a good idea. A garden urn is an excellent outdoor decorative accessory that can add dimension to any outdoor space while also adding a beautiful and colorful eye-catching backdrop.
No matter how you choose to use them, decorative outdoor planters and garden urns can definitely add definition and character to the front of your home or backyard setting.
A garden urn is commonly made of a sand composite compound or a poly resin mixture which is then finished with a sand cast. A planter finished with a sand cast creates the illusion that it is made of solid stone. A sand cast poly resin planter is less expensive than one made of solid stone and weighs less. Although an urn made of a poly resin weighs less than one made of solid stone or concrete, it's weight can still be as much as 250 to 300 pounds. Due to the heavy weight, an urn is extremely hard to move, so finding the perfect location to place your urn is always a good idea.
One option is to place a planter on either side of your front porch or at the entrance way to your deck. Whether you have a set of small stairs or a level entrance way off of the lawn, when placing a planter on either side of the entrance way, you help to define your outdoor space. A pedestal style garden urn, full of colorful flowers or green foliage, creates a gorgeous focal point and inviting mood as guests approach the entrance to your home or your backyard and deck area.
Many outdoor planters have a traditional or classic look to them which can dress up any outdoor setting. If you use your patio or deck for entertaining, such as dinner parties, then adding a few garden urns to your space would definitely be a good idea. A garden urn is an excellent outdoor decorative accessory that can add dimension to any outdoor space while also adding a beautiful and colorful eye-catching backdrop.
No matter how you choose to use them, decorative outdoor planters and garden urns can definitely add definition and character to the front of your home or backyard setting.