- Painting cement walls can help to protect them from water staining, make them easier to clean and make them more attractive. The process for painting cement walls is basically the same as for painting cement floors in basements or garages. You will need to use an epoxy paint system with a base coat, color chips and a top coat.
- Because of the long-wearing nature of epoxy paint, some people prefer to paint their walls in neutral colors that would complement a variety of styles. If this is what you want to do, begin by choosing a base coat in beige or cream. Apply color chips in a matching or tone-on-tone color and then seal with your top coat. Remember that the top coat is white when first applied but that it does dry clear and without color.
- If your space includes lots of bold colors or you want to create an area reminiscent of the tropics or a South American cantina, consider applying a bold color to your concrete walls. You will still need to begin with a rather neutral base coat. Choose the brightly colored chips that you want to apply to the base coat and then finish with your top coat. You might consider bright orange or citrus yellow for a beach-like space or a beautiful salmon to remind you of your favorite spot in Mexico.
- For the modern family, consider applying color chips in modern designs such as circles, squares or squiggles on your walls. Choose jewel tones such as deep reds, purples and blues. Once your top coat has dried, you might accent your space with modern furnishings and eclectic rugs.
- If your space is going to be used as a play area for your children, consider creating a family statement on the walls. Ask your children to draw different designs they would like to see on the walls and pick out the corresponding color chips. Use a projector to cast the images onto the wall so that you can paint them and fill them in with the appropriate colors. Once your walls are finished, your children will have an imaginative play area that they will enjoy for years and remember for the rest of their lives.
Neutral and Airy
Bold and Beautiful
Modern Designs
Family Statement