Learning how to write articles for money is a smart move because it is a skill that, once learned, will never leave you.
Online article writing is not the same as writing for other media, but once you have learned how, then you can turn money on like a tap at will: either by advertising your own website, or writing for others.
The current world-wide economic situation is so bad that people everywhere are getting worried how they will cope.
Just as many are starting up new internet marketing projects and need content for their websites, and new articles to submit to article directories in order to advertise these websites and the products and services they are offering on them.
This type of advertising is free, and one good article can attract a large number of people to a specific page on somebody's website.
People don't only read articles direct from the directories themselves, but directory pages can alos be listed on search engines and if your optimization is up to scratch, can be listed on Page #1 for your keyword.
Customers pay from $5 to $50 for decent articles, and although a $5 won't amount to much the average is around $15 to $20.
This is cheap when compared to the cost of other forms of online advertising.
For example an article can get at least 2,000 reads on a directory, which equates to 0.
75c a click for a PPC advert.
Even if you paid $20 for an article, you be paying only 1c a click for equivalent exposure on Google AdWords - the title given to an article can attract readers and prospective customers just the same as that of an advert.
Now think of you being the writer of the article and not its user.
Even a slow writer can write three articles of 700 words in an hour, and if you charge $15 for each article, you could make $45 an hour, or $180 a day for just 4 hours work.
That equates to $3600 each month for only twenty days work, and you still have the day job.
Even at only 2 articles an hour that's $2,400 extra a month.
Or if you need a bit extra cash for something, just write some articles and stop when you have made what you need.
That income can be used to set you up in one of the many lucrative online programs available these days, or simply to use as you wish.
However, there is more to writing articles than you think, and even if you are good at English you still have to learn how to write articles for money.
Even English teachers have to be taught how to write articles that they would have otherwise been unable to write, because articles written for directories have to be written in a specific way while those for web content are written in a different way.
Not only that, but there is the effective use of keywords to consider, without overusing them.
The vocabulary used in the article has be contextually related to the topic so that it supports the keyword, and makes the topic and the targeted keyword clear to search engine spiders without endless repetition.
Writing articles for money also involves a specific approach to style, that for one topic might appropriately be friendly and directed personally to the reader, while for another topic might be of a more formal nature.
There are no article writing schools available as such, so you have to learn all of this in other ways.
Keyword research is another important skill you will have to become skilled with, because your customers will possibly require you to choose the most profitable keywords for their articles.
Learning how to write articles for money involves a lot more than simply learning the correct use of English grammar, although grammar is an important part of article writing.
Your grammar must be as good as possible.
Some of the more common grammatical errors are excusable, such as improper use of semi colons and the difference between the way the Americans and British use punctuation and quotation marks: "such as this", in the UK "and this," in the USA.
However some are not excusable, such as "the person what wrote this" should be punished for not being "the person who wrote this".
Apart for all of that, learning how to write articles for money is worth the time it will take you, and an extra $2400 a month is great incentive.
Some will pay over $20 for a good article, and some of the top internet marketing gurus will pay over $100 for a top class article.
So, don't rush it, but find out what online insruction is available on how to write articles, and make sure that your teacher is a practicing freelance writer of articles intended for use online, because that requires specific skills not needed in any other forms of writing.
A competent writer of articles for magazines or the press will not necessarily be competent at writing articles for online publication because of the specific requirements of content, use of keywords and vocabulary that are of extreme importance.
If you want to make money online with article writing, you should learn how to write articles for money from somebody who is skilled and successful at doing so.
It is a source of income not dependent on luck or how much traffic you drive to a website, but on your own skills, how well you have learned them and how well you apply them.
Keep in mind that extra $2,400 - $3,600 a month you will have to spend, and you are sure to succeed.
Online article writing is not the same as writing for other media, but once you have learned how, then you can turn money on like a tap at will: either by advertising your own website, or writing for others.
The current world-wide economic situation is so bad that people everywhere are getting worried how they will cope.
Just as many are starting up new internet marketing projects and need content for their websites, and new articles to submit to article directories in order to advertise these websites and the products and services they are offering on them.
This type of advertising is free, and one good article can attract a large number of people to a specific page on somebody's website.
People don't only read articles direct from the directories themselves, but directory pages can alos be listed on search engines and if your optimization is up to scratch, can be listed on Page #1 for your keyword.
Customers pay from $5 to $50 for decent articles, and although a $5 won't amount to much the average is around $15 to $20.
This is cheap when compared to the cost of other forms of online advertising.
For example an article can get at least 2,000 reads on a directory, which equates to 0.
75c a click for a PPC advert.
Even if you paid $20 for an article, you be paying only 1c a click for equivalent exposure on Google AdWords - the title given to an article can attract readers and prospective customers just the same as that of an advert.
Now think of you being the writer of the article and not its user.
Even a slow writer can write three articles of 700 words in an hour, and if you charge $15 for each article, you could make $45 an hour, or $180 a day for just 4 hours work.
That equates to $3600 each month for only twenty days work, and you still have the day job.
Even at only 2 articles an hour that's $2,400 extra a month.
Or if you need a bit extra cash for something, just write some articles and stop when you have made what you need.
That income can be used to set you up in one of the many lucrative online programs available these days, or simply to use as you wish.
However, there is more to writing articles than you think, and even if you are good at English you still have to learn how to write articles for money.
Even English teachers have to be taught how to write articles that they would have otherwise been unable to write, because articles written for directories have to be written in a specific way while those for web content are written in a different way.
Not only that, but there is the effective use of keywords to consider, without overusing them.
The vocabulary used in the article has be contextually related to the topic so that it supports the keyword, and makes the topic and the targeted keyword clear to search engine spiders without endless repetition.
Writing articles for money also involves a specific approach to style, that for one topic might appropriately be friendly and directed personally to the reader, while for another topic might be of a more formal nature.
There are no article writing schools available as such, so you have to learn all of this in other ways.
Keyword research is another important skill you will have to become skilled with, because your customers will possibly require you to choose the most profitable keywords for their articles.
Learning how to write articles for money involves a lot more than simply learning the correct use of English grammar, although grammar is an important part of article writing.
Your grammar must be as good as possible.
Some of the more common grammatical errors are excusable, such as improper use of semi colons and the difference between the way the Americans and British use punctuation and quotation marks: "such as this", in the UK "and this," in the USA.
However some are not excusable, such as "the person what wrote this" should be punished for not being "the person who wrote this".
Apart for all of that, learning how to write articles for money is worth the time it will take you, and an extra $2400 a month is great incentive.
Some will pay over $20 for a good article, and some of the top internet marketing gurus will pay over $100 for a top class article.
So, don't rush it, but find out what online insruction is available on how to write articles, and make sure that your teacher is a practicing freelance writer of articles intended for use online, because that requires specific skills not needed in any other forms of writing.
A competent writer of articles for magazines or the press will not necessarily be competent at writing articles for online publication because of the specific requirements of content, use of keywords and vocabulary that are of extreme importance.
If you want to make money online with article writing, you should learn how to write articles for money from somebody who is skilled and successful at doing so.
It is a source of income not dependent on luck or how much traffic you drive to a website, but on your own skills, how well you have learned them and how well you apply them.
Keep in mind that extra $2,400 - $3,600 a month you will have to spend, and you are sure to succeed.