A lot of households these days are looking for ways to save money, in particular by conserving energy.
It is primarily for this reason many homeowners are looking toward alternative energy as a solution in particular in the form of diy solar power.
DIY solar power, (the DIY stands for Do It Yourself) has become a viable and affordable energy source.
Conventional pre built retail solar energy systems can cost thousands of dollars, where as a diy solar power system can be assembled and installed for around $200.
Building your own solar panels is not as complex a task as you may think, in fact it is a hassle free and enjoyable diy project, provide you have a good instruction guide to follow.
So what sort of savings can you reap from building your own diy solar power system? Well we have now had a system up and running for 6 months, so far our bills have seen a massive reduction of around 80%, some of this effect I am sure is due to an increased awareness of our energy consumption, but the majority we put down to our new system, either way this translates to hundreds of dollars off our power bills.
So how do you get started? Well the most crucial thing you are going to need is a good guide, a blue print from which to work from that is clear in its explanation of all the materials you need and how to assemble them.
The materials themselves are readily available from your local hardware store, or if you are like me, a bit of a hoarder you may already have many pieces of your system lying around in the back of the garage.
A DIY solar power kit is a fun and educational project which will help the environment whilst helping to save you money by slashing your energy bills, it simply makes good sense.
It is primarily for this reason many homeowners are looking toward alternative energy as a solution in particular in the form of diy solar power.
DIY solar power, (the DIY stands for Do It Yourself) has become a viable and affordable energy source.
Conventional pre built retail solar energy systems can cost thousands of dollars, where as a diy solar power system can be assembled and installed for around $200.
Building your own solar panels is not as complex a task as you may think, in fact it is a hassle free and enjoyable diy project, provide you have a good instruction guide to follow.
So what sort of savings can you reap from building your own diy solar power system? Well we have now had a system up and running for 6 months, so far our bills have seen a massive reduction of around 80%, some of this effect I am sure is due to an increased awareness of our energy consumption, but the majority we put down to our new system, either way this translates to hundreds of dollars off our power bills.
So how do you get started? Well the most crucial thing you are going to need is a good guide, a blue print from which to work from that is clear in its explanation of all the materials you need and how to assemble them.
The materials themselves are readily available from your local hardware store, or if you are like me, a bit of a hoarder you may already have many pieces of your system lying around in the back of the garage.
A DIY solar power kit is a fun and educational project which will help the environment whilst helping to save you money by slashing your energy bills, it simply makes good sense.