This tip applies to features only available in Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0 or higher.
If you have several photos with lighting or color problems, you can fix them all at once with Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0. Select the multiple photos in the photo well, then choose Edit > AutoFix (or from the Fix button drop-down menu.). Album with apply corrections to the photos and save them under a new file name so the corrections can be reverted.
AutoFix does not apply corrections as aggressively as it does when you use the manual fix options, and it does not correct red-eye, so you may find you need to do some additional correction to some of the photos. Don't worry about degrading the quality for a second edit, Album will regenerate all edits starting from the original photo.
If you have several photos with lighting or color problems, you can fix them all at once with Adobe Photoshop Album 2.0. Select the multiple photos in the photo well, then choose Edit > AutoFix (or from the Fix button drop-down menu.). Album with apply corrections to the photos and save them under a new file name so the corrections can be reverted.
AutoFix does not apply corrections as aggressively as it does when you use the manual fix options, and it does not correct red-eye, so you may find you need to do some additional correction to some of the photos. Don't worry about degrading the quality for a second edit, Album will regenerate all edits starting from the original photo.