Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Try Some New Music!

Stuck in a music rut? It happens.
After listening to your favorite song 1,379,614 times, you will, eventually, get sick of it.
So you find a new favorite song, all too aware that you'll soon grow as tired of it as your previous pick.
This is even more likely to happen when you only listen to one type of music, a habit I've never subscribed to and have a very hard time wrapping my mind around (my mind's not big enough to stretch that far).
With all of the wonderful types of music available, why limit yourself to one or two genres? Do yourself a favor and start branching out.
Sure, you love country music, but is it really going to kill you to listen to some R&B? Or maybe you're all about hip-hop - who's to say you won't find a rock song you like just as well? I'm always so impressed when I hear someone list their favorite songs - and the songs actually cover several genres.
Or decades! (Yes, oldies are goodies.
) Next time you hear your fave song come on the radio (you know, the one you've heard over a million times), consider actually turning away from it.
Head over to the station you listen to the LEAST - your new favorite song might be waiting for you.
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